Flash Player

Not applicable

Is there a way to determine if a user has an older version of the Flash Player so that I can determine if they need the most current version? My problem is that some users may be running the 10.1 beta and the version I want to push out is I don't want to downgrade them. But I do want to upgrade any users with version <

I've checked the receipts and it just shows com.adobe.pkg.FlashPlayer.

Any idea would be helpful. Thanks.


Contributor III

What is listed for the flash plug-in for the inventotry on those units maybe?

Craig Ernst
UW-Eau Claire
(715) 836-3639

Sent from my iPhone

Valued Contributor


Use the Advance Search of Inventory Tab, search for the plugin and create smart groups. This .may help you

Karthikeyan M

Honored Contributor

There is a txt file that displays the version

bash-3.2# cat /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash Player/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/version.txt

take that into a variable in a script with a custom trigger policy, then compare it to the version you want, if is equal or greater it exits, if not it installs custom trigger policy to install flash.


Not applicable

I am using Automator and I get the Flash version but I'm not sure how to pass that into a script to trigger an install if needed.


Nelson Miller
IT Manager
Comanche School Dist I-002
(580) 439-2913

Honored Contributor

You can just lay down a dummy package and then scope your deployment on
that. Something like

Touch /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Receipts/Flash12345.pkg

Would do it.


Honored Contributor


This is a lot easier than you would think. Let me give you an example.

create a policy that installs your desired version of flash. For example, lets say you are installing version 10.1.3 (I just made that up), and you only want it to be installed if the client has version 9 or lower. So, add it into Casper Admin and in the JSS give it a custom trigger of install_flash_10.1.3 for example.

Now, here is how you would run it in a script


# get the current version of the flash player plug in

CurrentVersionFlash=/bin/cat /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash Player/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/version.txt

# now check to see if it is greater than version 9

if [[ $CurrentVersionFlash -gt 9 ]]

then /bin/echo "Version is greater than 9.0, doing nothing"

else /usr/sbin/jamf policy -trigger install_flash_10.1.3


exit 0

Now just set your scope and sync the distribution points and let the policy rip. You can add a dummy receipt instead of echoing it out, like touch /Library/Receipts/hasflash10.txt or whatever if you want to create a policy log of all machines that do have it as the same time. Then all you need to do in the future is add the flash installer again to the Casper Admin, and tweak one line of code to to see if it is greater than the version you want to install, and apply again.

You can contact me directly if you have any more questions, but this method is simple and I am starting to use it a lot for custom trigger policies, it really lets you customize things you want to do.

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