Posted on 11-21-2023 09:33 AM
We have a requirement in our organisation to run some machines on mojave due to software limitations.
I can get a machine to enroll and it installs the profile in systems prefs, but it doesnt download and install self service.
i have logged into jamf cloud and down loaded it manually from the self service tab, but it says that version is only compatible from 10.15 onwards not the required 10.14
i then tried to download it using "/bin/level2/selfservice.tar.gz" or something like that, but when i launch self service i just get a spinning progress icon on the self service screen, eventually saying "Cannot reach a Jamf MDM Server"
Posted on 11-21-2023 09:52 AM
From the device running Mojave, run the following command:
/usr/bin/defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf jss_url
Does it return the correct URL for your Jamf instance?
If it doesn't, you can write the correct URL to the preference with the following:
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf jss_url
Just make sure to edit the second command and replace the YOURJAMFSERVERURL bit with your actual Jamf Pro URL.
Posted on 11-21-2023 12:30 PM
I understand organizational requirements and all but running macOS 10.14 is a horrible idea. It has not received any security updates in over a year. It is a pretty big risk exposure to not replace these applications that require macOS 10.14. Even JAMF has moved on from supporting macOS 10.14, and JAMF loves its tech debt.
About the security content of macOS Mojave 10.14 - Apple Support
Apple Mac Os X version 10.14 : Security vulnerabilities, CVEs (
Posted on 11-21-2023 02:27 PM
Posted on 11-24-2023 05:45 AM
thanks for the info above, unfortunately some of our legacy audio hardware wont run passed Mojave, and our clients still want to rent it. we will probably revert to block imaging for these machines.