Guest account management of Dock?

New Contributor

So after talking to Jamf support, they suggested I make a discussion here about how you guys manage your dock on a guest account.

We use guest accounts for a lot of our non-personal computers( Library, labs, etc) and have always had a history of struggling to get the dock how we want it. The issue is that the dock settings seem to get deleted every time the user logs out, and login scripts such as dockutil don't act fast enough to get what we need.

Have any of you guys done this before?


Valued Contributor III

The Guest account is working that way by design. The way I set the Dock on older macOS systems was add a dock preference file in the User Template. I haven't tested this on newer OS systems with SIP.

So, change the Dock how you like it. Go to ~/library/preferences folder and find the dock.plist. Copy this to the User Template/Library/Preference location. I'm sure there's a better way, but this worked for me in the past.

See the screenshot.
