Posted on 10-26-2017 06:20 AM
Hello all,
I have some machines that were enrolled quite some time ago, and for some reason have stopped being managed. These machines are still enrolled and receiving policies, but no config profiles, etc...
I have tried everything I can think of:
This is the error I get:
Error installing the computer level mdm profile: profiles install for file:'/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/mdm.mobileconfig' and user:'root' returned 102 (New profile does not meet criteria to replace existing profile.)
Problem installing MDM profile.
Any ideas as to whether this issue is client or server side, and what may resolve this for me?
Posted on 10-26-2017 06:35 AM
Have you tried the following commands, this always kicks it back in for me...
sudo jamf removeMDMprofile
sudo jamf manage
Posted on 10-26-2017 06:41 AM
Strange timing... just yesterday I started digging into why some machines were not receiving a new profile I pushed and why some machines that should have several profiles had none.
I suppose this is the sledgehammer approach and I've not vetted the potential unintended consequences but I'm removing the MDM profile with:
jamf removeMdmProfile
then pull the MDM profile back down with
jamf manage
and then all the scoped profiles reload.
In cases where I get
error installing computer level mdm profile / unable to contact SCEP server
I'm re-enrolling the machine and it resets MDM.
I'd love to see what others are doing to troubleshoot the MDM and or individual profiles.
(ok so David types faster than I , HA)
Posted on 10-26-2017 09:25 AM
Some machines or all new ones? Sometimes you need to renew the tomcat cert before it lets you push commands out...
Posted on 10-26-2017 10:16 AM
I have tried all the suggestions before and again today with the same results....
The JSS is available.
Enforcing login/logout hooks...
Error installing the computer level mdm profile: profiles install for file:'/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/mdm.mobileconfig' and user:'root' returned 102 (New profile does not meet criteria to replace existing profile.)
Downloading required CA Certificate(s)...
Retrying the user level mdm profile install.
Error installing the computer level mdm profile: profiles install for file:'/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/mdm.mobileconfig' and user:'root' returned 102 (New profile does not meet criteria to replace existing profile.)
Problem installing MDM profile.
Enforcing scheduled tasks...
Creating launch daemon...
Creating launch agent...
The management framework will be enforced as soon as all policies are done executing.
However, the management framework never really gets laid down.
Posted on 10-26-2017 10:29 AM
I just spoke with tech support and my issue is that in my DEP Prestage I don't had "Allow MDM Profile Removal" checked. I have no idea that was linked.
I will try this now by "re-enrolling" by removing .AppleSetupDone
Posted on 10-27-2017 04:42 AM
I'm going to test this further being marking this solved. I actually used this script in the end to fix this machine, so not sure that TechSupport was correct.
jamf removeMDMProfile
rm -rf /var/db/ConfigurationProfiles
sleep 20
jamf mdm
sleep 20
jamf manage