Posted on 11-10-2011 01:16 PM
Hi guys
Just to let you know there is a serious bug but network home directories, doesn't matter if your using open directory or AD.
Ever since Apple brought out 10.7.2 and changed LDAP the whole share mounts and your user will see everyones home share! Apple have designed shares to mount the whole share point and have over looked this problem.
With home paths set in AD in my environment the users share would be serverpersonal$user
Problem is personal is mounted and because users don't have permission to others home folder set via NTFS permissions, when the user tries to open personal they get permission errors.
There is also a serious bug with kerberos and ADmitMac 6.0.1 Logging in gives a user a 5 minute ticket only! Not sure if Apples AD plugin is ok but thought you guys should know.
A work around is to open Ticket Viewer app found in /System/CoreServices/ and you can renew your ticket.
I create a symbolic link as part of my FirstRun script
# create a symbolic link for the Ticket Viewer to Utilities
ln -sf /System/Library/CoreServices/Ticket /Applications/Utilities/Ticket
I also do this for Directory Utility, Apple Updater app etc
Thursby have a development build to fix it which reportedly gives a correct 10 hour ticket.
Posted on 11-10-2011 01:23 PM
For folder shares see:
Posted on 11-10-2011 01:30 PM
Complicated...NetApp filer, Apple screw ups get worse all the time, WGM to implement mcx without modifying schema or setting up golden triangle with an OD, GPO ADM templates controlling removable media (a must for banking clients) plus many many more reasons. Sorry been a long day.
Posted on 11-10-2011 01:33 PM
Thanks Ben that's it. Again Massive problem for network home directories :( Apple are getting worse with no proper UAT.
They are getting too big headed and get people like us to test this stuff and and report it for free. Sad thing is we do it!
Posted on 11-10-2011 01:46 PM
Oh, was just curious, we're moving away from thursby. The DFS was the last bastion they had here.
John Wojda
Lead System Engineer, DEI & Mobility
3333 Beverly Rd. B2-338B
Hoffman Estates, IL 60179
Phone: (847)286-7855
Page: (224)532.3447
Team Lead DEI: Matt Beiriger
Team Lead Mobility: Chris Sta Ana
Mac Tip/Tricks/Self Service & Support
“Any time you choose to be inflexible in your approach to an unpredictable project you are already building failure into your plan”
Posted on 11-10-2011 01:50 PM
Tbh, it all depends on what you consider "Best Practice" we used both profile folder methods here with profilesusername$ being seem as better then profiles$user
Anyways, do you need I mount the profiles at login as they hold the users profile or just a personal share?
Posted on 11-10-2011 01:54 PM
The most important for me is the removable media control GPO.
I can put my self in and AD security goup say DenyRemovableMedia
When I do this I cannot mount any removable media.
I have a lauch daemon running a script every hour to do a thursby gp update. This is useful as I can add a user to AllowRemovableMedia or ReadOnlyRemovableMedia and know later in the day I can add the user back to the deny group and its secure.
Also I don't have the golden triangle with open directory and its only me looking after the Macs and my colleagues have no interest or willing to learn :(
Sorry got to go now its 10pm here and my wife is getting quite sh*tty with me again for working all the time.
Posted on 11-10-2011 03:55 PM
There's also a mount network share script in the resource kit that can be
used to mount home directories. I just tell the AD plugin not to map the
drive and then use the script from the resource kit instead as a login
policy. Works great on lion for me- mounts the user's actual share, and
grabs the path from AD.
Nick Kalister
Desktop Engineering
Hitachi Data Systems
Office: 408.970.4316
750 Central Expressway
Building 32 : M/S 3240
Santa Clara, CA 95050
Posted on 11-10-2011 10:53 PM
I spoke to Tim off list.
I use:
Works for me :)
Posted on 11-11-2011 01:31 AM
Doesn't work for me. I think it is because I am using ADmitMac and not the
built in AD plugin
Tim Kimpton
Systems Engineer
E: Tim.Kimpton at
D: +44 (0)20 7956 3014
Rufus Leonard limited is a company registered in England and Wales with
company number 3348509. Vat number: 691308528

Posted on 11-11-2011 06:32 AM
That looks interesting, ben- the ability to kick off the mappings at the
user's request is something I've been thinking of offering. Thanks for
the link!
Nick Kalister
Desktop Engineering
Hitachi Data Systems
Office: 408.970.4316
750 Central Expressway
Building 32 : M/S 3240
Santa Clara, CA 95050
Posted on 11-11-2011 02:03 PM
FYI, you can prevent access to external drives using Managed Preferences
On 11/10/11 3:54 PM, "Tim Kimpton" <tim.kimpton at> wrote:
in the JSS as well as deny access to burn optical media. Optionally, you
can allow admins access to these items or deny access completely.
William Smith
Technical Analyst
Merrill Communications LLC
(651) 632-1492
Posted on 11-14-2011 11:57 AM
Is there a way to set removable media to read only? i see in the removable media access MCX preference description that you can set to eject and alert. just curious to see if you can set permissions to read only.
Michael Barrett
Audio/Visual Specialist
Technology – Infrastructure & Services
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