Help w/ VPP/Mac App Store Apps - what am I missing?

Valued Contributor

Just starting to experiment with VPP and Mac App store options, and I seem to be missing something. The admin guide is a little sparse on this particular area, or I'm a little dense, or some combination, so just looking for a "walk through" type of explanation.

We have our VPP account setup, token imported, etc. All looks good from that end.

We are experimenting with a couple of free apps initially, we "purchased" Xcode and TextWrangler through the VPP portal. Apps are showing up as expected in the JSS under Global Management/VPP Accounts/Content. So far, so good.

So I started testing with TextWrangler. Under Computers/Mac App Store Apps, I select the app, scope it to a couple of machines, and first selected "Make Available through Self Service" as the distribution method.

On the test machine, it shows up in Self Service, but when I click on it, it launches the App Store, the user has to click "get", and is then prompted for our Mac App store apple ID credentials. The last part should never happen in my mind - there's no way we want to distribute those credentials to regular users!

Meanwhile - if I go back and change the distribution method to "Install Automatically/Prompt Users to install"... nothing changes that I can see. Software does not appear to install automatically, but is still showing in Self Service. Installing via SS exhibits the same behavior - prompts for credentials.

Currently on JSS 9.81 (will update to 9.82 once the App Store App updating feature is "fixed"), clients are 10.10.5.

Just not sure if I totally mis-understood how this was SUPPOSED to work, but I can't understand a feature that simply re-directs users to the App Store and then requires the credentials... I'd much rather download and re-package if that's what the expected behavior actually is.



Sounds silly but did you mark it Device Assignment?

Valued Contributor III

I am seeing the same thing...

I am using a free app and I don't see the VPP or App Config buttons/options.



Here are the instructions we used to get ours up and running:

Valued Contributor

Appreciate it @wdpickle. Looks like I've got an update to 9.82 in my near future.

New Contributor II

did you ever figure out a solution? i am most of the way there... i had to create a site, which i hadn't yet done.

Contributor III

Things are still pretty jacked up IMO (hoping for better support), but have you looked at this?: