
Joined: June 2012

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  • 126 Posts
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Hello all, I may be slow but I just found 2 IP addresses that were blocking Apple TV updates for the school district I work for. and indicators of an issue was the Apple TV timed out trying to download. I got an error mes...
We have just gotten in new Mac Air machines and are trying to image them. Some of our older imaging drives will not boot the new hardware. To resolve that issue I imaged the USB drives with a new image, then synced them and tried to image a new Mac A...
For the past week we have been seeing a pop up message that says "The software update feature is currently unavailable". Some machines get it once every few days some machines get the popup every 30 seconds. We are a K-12 with 22 sites, this is happe...
We are currently running the above script (thank you Rob). This gives us the user field information. It works, mostly. We have 1300 +MBP and I only have 890 users in JSS. When I click on the User tab and search for "todd" for example I only get 1 res...
I have "borrowed" my first script, thanks Rob, and started to learn how to do things the easy way. This script counts the number of cycles on the battery. My issue is that the script runs on MBPs that are on network segments pointing to a secondary s...
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