how to update all of my ipad ios5 to ios6

New Contributor

how to use jamf to update all of my ipads osi5 to osi6


New Contributor

You can't push OS updates via any officially-licensed MDM product (which includes Casper).

Esteemed Contributor III

I wonder if that'll ever be an option.

Can't imagine "touching" 1,000+ iOS devices to get 'em updated.



Valued Contributor

I'm with Don on this one. Apple still isn't providing us with decent Enterprise-level tools for management of mobile devices. And all the MDM providers have to write against an API that lacks them, so we can't even wait for a 3rd party to provide the tools we need.

Imagine my surprise last week when I discovered that there seems to be absolutely no way to prevent my users from updating their iPads from iOS 5.1.1 to iOS 6.0. Nothing in Restrictions. Nothing in Parental Controls. Nothing in Casper. Nada. Zip. No solution, other than blocking the update servers on our network, which is annoying and not an acceptable solution. And the iPads travel to the users' homes and join networks over which we have no control. And I'm not building a proxy server just to provide a solution that Apple should be providing for us. To me, this is a glaring and egregious oversight on Apple's part. I love the iPad. My users love the iPad. My bosses love the iPad. But from a technical support POV, it's proving ridiculously difficult to support.

Unless a solution appears of which I'm unaware, I'm left with no option but to (as Don says) "touch" every single iOS device in our organization to get them updated to iOS 6. The only other option is to allow our end-users to do it, which means overriding rules in our AUP, and providing dead-simple documentation for the update process. I wonder how many bricked iPads will show up on my desk because my end-users didn't bother to read or follow our instructions.


In my school environment, it is our intention to rebuild ipad carts yearly...typically over Summer break.
However, as already mentioned here, I wish I could prevent the enduser from seeing the update.
We have 1500 iOS devices (so far) and honestly, if the enduser decides to update the device, from the device itself, no harm, no foul.
Our macbook users do not have the authority to update iTunes, therefore, cannot update devices using the Macbook.
Going from iOS 4.x.x to iOS 5, I used XCode to quickly blow away a cart of 30 iPads...i'm talking less than 30 minutes to perform a mass upgrade.
Now that iOS 5 can be updated over the wire, I'll probably not use XCode anymore.
If I have to update carts - I'll just walk in, lay the devices out in an assembly line fashion, and just get in a repetition of tapping screens and let them do their thing.
If a school took it upon themselves to update devices, hey cool...I'm not going to stop them.
Now, if they do happen to update the iOS device and find that something like Garageband or iMovie give an error saying version is incompatible, then, yeah, I gotta go in and update the macbook to make everything happy - in our two years of iPad deployments..this has happened once.

Contributor III

Honestly I would still use XCode or Apple Configurator to update the OS's - Downloading iOS 6's 1.1GB Update sounds like torture to me over 30 devices. If your cart has a USB hub built in, pre-download the ipsw and then blast it out to them. Might even be a good time to refresh them since there are a ton of iOS 6 app compatibility updates.

New Contributor II

Keep in mind the original iPad won't support iOS 6.