http Global Proxy for iOS 6

New Contributor III

We are clamoring for the ability to filter our iPads on a global level. When is Casper going to had this ready??? I hate to say this but Air Watch has outdone Casper in this case:

This is a MUST HAVE for our environment.


Release Candidate Programs Tester

As an AirWatch Administrator.. i'd advise from experience be careful with what they promise..

Having said that, i'm sure that when the next version of the JSS is released (probably this week), the new iOS 6 MDM settings.

Legendary Contributor III

This one feature is very interesting, for those who have been clamoring for this-

Automatically remove profiles at a certain date or after a given period of time

And that, according to the site, is an iOS 6 feature, so it should definitely be available to Casper customers sooner rather than later,