Hung process during recon / inventory collection


 Hey Gang,

I have gotten 1 computer out of 300 that refuses to finish a jamf recon (either at login or on demand).  I am pretty sure that my EAs are OK as the collection works perfectly fine on all of the other Macs.  I did try "jamf recon -verbose" and it did provide me a detailed listing, but that didn't tell me much info on where to start troubleshooting...

Could it be a particular app or corruption that could be causing this?  I am looking for some ideas on what to try next...


Esteemed Contributor II

@ScottEKendall Have you turned off "Collect available software updates" during Inventory Collection?


Yes...I haven't had that on for quite sometime now...

Esteemed Contributor II

Hmm, that's the traditional culprit for stuck recons. I don't suppose there's anything useful in jamf.log?


I wish there least it would give me a place to start looking at...


I am seeing this over and over in his JAMF.log file:

Tue Mar 11 09:40:11 MAC-WCC4HQT7DV jamf[2769]: Inventory will be updated when all queued actions in Self Service are complete.

Esteemed Contributor II

Do you have a stuck Jamf process? Does a "sudo killall jamf" (or restarting) unstick things?


I had the user try this once and it didn't seem to help.  I just created a policy to do a "jamf manage && jamf flushCaches"...I will have him restart again tonight to see if that makes any difference.

Contributor III

try running this command to check for any JAMF Process and find its process ID Kill those processes and try to run Recon

ps aux | grep Jamf

kill -9 PID, (Replace PID with actual of PID you got from the first command)

New Contributor III

For troubleshooting a single Mac that refuses to complete jamf recon, consider the following steps:

  1. Check Logs – Run tail -f /var/log/jamf.log while executing sudo jamf recon -verbose to pinpoint where it gets stuck.
  2. Remove Pending Commands – If the device has pending MDM commands, clear them in Jamf Pro under the computer record (Management > MDM Commands).
  3. Verify Disk Integrity – Run diskutil verifyVolume / to check for disk errors that could cause recon to hang.
  4. Manually Collect Inventory – Try system_profiler SPHardwareDataType SPSoftwareDataType to ensure the system can pull inventory data.
  5. Check Extensions and Profiles – Corrupt EAs, system extensions, or profiles could be an issue. Test by removing them temporarily.
  6. Flush and Re-enroll – As a last resort, remove the Mac from Jamf (sudo jamf removeFramework), re-enroll it, and test again.

This should help isolate the issue.

Good suggestions!  I will try as soon as the user comes online again...