Hey Gang,
I have gotten 1 computer out of 300 that refuses to finish a jamf recon (either at login or on demand). I am pretty sure that my EAs are OK as the collection works perfectly fine on all of the other Macs. I did try "jamf recon -verbose" and it did provide me a detailed listing, but that didn't tell me much info on where to start troubleshooting...
Could it be a particular app or corruption that could be causing this? I am looking for some ideas on what to try next...
yesterday - last edited yesterday
@ScottEKendall Have you turned off "Collect available software updates" during Inventory Collection?
Yes...I haven't had that on for quite sometime now...
Hmm, that's the traditional culprit for stuck recons. I don't suppose there's anything useful in jamf.log?
I wish there least it would give me a place to start looking at...
I am seeing this over and over in his JAMF.log file:
Tue Mar 11 09:40:11 MAC-WCC4HQT7DV jamf[2769]: Inventory will be updated when all queued actions in Self Service are complete.
Do you have a stuck Jamf process? Does a "sudo killall jamf" (or restarting) unstick things?
I had the user try this once and it didn't seem to help. I just created a policy to do a "jamf manage && jamf flushCaches"...I will have him restart again tonight to see if that makes any difference.
7 hours ago
try running this command to check for any JAMF Process and find its process ID Kill those processes and try to run Recon
ps aux | grep Jamf
kill -9 PID, (Replace PID with actual of PID you got from the first command)
3 hours ago
For troubleshooting a single Mac that refuses to complete jamf recon, consider the following steps:
This should help isolate the issue.
2 hours ago
Good suggestions! I will try as soon as the user comes online again...