Invalid Request SSL Error

Contributor III

We have a user getting the below error and can't access anything. The help desk also reset the password. A couple of commands were ran, the removeFramework command was ran and they then tried the profiles -renew -type enrollment, and get the Update prompt and it opens system preferences and then I choose update again, but it looks like it doesn't do anything. I can see all the profiles.







We have a couple of Macs with the same issue, but also with Adobe and Microsoft products. Everything is back on track when updated to the latest version of Sonoma


Esteemed Contributor

If the remove framework command was successfully run, the device needs to have macOS re-enrolled as running the profiles command will not restore the Jamf Framework that was removed. Honestly, I would not give the Helpdesk the access to run commands like remove framework and removing the mdm profile as these are not troubleshooting steps.


There is a chance the date and time on the device are out of sync, if more than a few minutes to a few days out of sync will cause these issues. This should be basic SSL certificate troubleshooting if it's just a single device. Also tools that perform SSL redirection will do this, so check your VPN clients and network security tools.

New Contributor

Thank you so much for the information.