Posted on
10:53 AM
- last edited
is it possible to configure the control center for ios 11 devices.
for example i want to show the timer, screenrecording options etc.
Posted on 10-13-2017 05:18 AM
I was about the post this when I found yours.
I also have this same question. Would be very helpful, especially in a lower elementary school setting where a teacher would struggle for awhile having kids change the settings.
I don't see anything in JAMF that would allow setting the Control Center so I am guessing it is not there, but wish it were.
Posted on 10-16-2017 09:10 AM
I agree and would like to see if this is possible.
Posted on 10-17-2017 06:00 AM
I agree. Please let me know if this is possible. I'm unable to manually edit the control center on shared iPads.
Posted on 10-20-2017 05:46 AM
I am trying to figure out the same thing with the Control Center - We currently have 1300 ipads that are shared and Administration is demanding for kids to be able to screen Record from the control center. How do I create a Configuration Profile to allow Screen Recording? Thanks.
Posted on 10-20-2017 06:30 AM
If they are supervised devices the restrictions profile contains the screen recording settings. Its enabled by default but its at the top of the restrictions.
Posted on 10-20-2017 08:27 AM
Can we even use the screen recording on shared ipads? I see it works for teacher ipads and not shared student but not on shared student ipads. The Control Center Setting is gone when you go into settings.
Posted on 10-20-2017 09:28 AM
I have spoke to a jamf rep and an Apple rep. This has been suggested as a feature request.
Posted on 10-26-2018 11:41 AM
I have this same question...does anyone have anymore information about this?
Posted on 01-25-2021 05:55 AM
Hi There,
was there any news about this?
We also would like to have the possibility to personalize the control center. I checked the config profiles but can't find anything. Is it feasible to implement?
Thank you
Posted on 03-24-2021 12:58 PM
Gets my vote for a desirable feature