iOS 8 Update with Configurator


We're about to start updating our iPads to iOS 8. Started with 1 iPad cart, but noticed that Configurator would error when trying to apply the MDM profile that the iPads were not activated yet. All of the iPads were indeed already activated, and on their home screens. We ended up having to manually restart all of the iPads to make Configurator realize that they were ready to go.

Wanted to see what anyone else's experience has been in this process. We want to remote into the cart Macs to do this process rather than having to manually restart every single one.


Contributor II

I'm having the same issue. I'm using AC 1.7 and iOS 8 with 3 profiles (wireless, CA cert and MDM profile).

This is what I'm seeing when I refresh enrolled devices. It would remove the profiles and then re-add them. The wifi gets dropped and doesn't reconnect.

Also tried removing the profiles from the device and refreshed and it would refresh without an issue.

Are you seeing "Unable to install profile MDM Profiles"?


@Johnny.Kim Yeah, we're seeing the same things. I've got a few test units, and its been removing our Wireless profile from the devices. When we get the error for installing the MDM profiles, I've had to go in and manually remove the profile from the iPad. There is a small change in the wireless profile type (WPA 2 on iOS 8) which we've tried, but nothing has changed.

We do the device name on the lock screen as well which gets skewed to the right. Sometimes, the lock screen displays the home screen wallpaper, and is unable to slide to unlock at all.

We had to block the DNS for updating to iOS 8 on our live carts, but not before some of the devices got moved forward. The biggest few hiccups in the mixed carts have been dealing with MDM profile, specifically removing iBooks as an available app, and the wireless profile.

Contributor II

@qhle373 So it seems to be an issue with iOS 8? Why apple doesn't give us the option to keep the version of iOS under supervision, I don't understand.

I'll post any additional testings.


@Johnny.Kim we created a new wireless profile in configurator for our iPads, and it hasn't been removed by the MDM profile when it is installed.

Contributor II

@qhle373 I'll give that a try and get back to you. Thanks!

Contributor II

@qhle373 Still doesn't work for me.

My workflow:

-Unsupervise iPad
-wipe device
-Prepare device (Supervision: on, CA Cert, MDM profile, and wireless profile)

Under Supervise, I refresh the device, and fails at "Unable to install profile "MDM Profile".


@Johnny.Kim do you roll out the 3 profiles at the same time?

If you must do them all at the same time, the Wireless and the CA need to go on before the MDM so you can put a "_" in front of those profile names so they install earlier.

What we have to do is:
- Supervise
- Add CA and Wireless
- Add MDM
- Add Separate Profile to remove App Store

Contributor II

Originally, I did have the Wifi in the begining.

I followed your workflow and seems to work perfectly! I combined the CA cert and the wireless. I'm able to refresh the devices multiple times without creating any errors.

Thanks for your help and input!!


@Johnny.Kim You're very welcome. Glad I could help.