Posted on
09:31 AM
- last edited
2 weeks ago
For one of our apps, Flipgrid, whenever some students try to install it from Self Service, the button spins for a second and then goes right back to saying "install". In their device record I see Flipgrid under their installed apps but the Management Status is stuck under "installing".
Has anyone run into this with a fix?
Posted on 09-20-2018 09:38 AM
It happens for us with Webex app, no idea on the fix but i did just open a support case
Posted on 09-20-2018 11:01 AM
Yeah I think that that may be my next step too.
It doesn't happen to every student just a couple. But to the point where they are missing assignments because of it.
Posted on 09-20-2018 04:48 PM
Well in my case it is an issue with that specific app and JAMF has a case open with Apple, so it is a known issue
Posted on 10-11-2018 10:06 AM
I think I found out what the problem was with ours. I had a similar issue where google chrome wouldn't install from the self-service portal, tried sending blank pushes, inventory refreshes, deleted from JSS and re-enrolled, restored etc.
Turns out the problem was with the restrictions I had set in a general profile. I wasn't allowing apps with a rating of 12+ and above. Chrome is rated 17+, so it would "install", and JSS would report is as being installed, but it wouldn't show up on the ipad itself. After removing the rating limit the app showed up just fine.
Posted on 10-11-2018 12:03 PM
This behavior also happens when the app record in the catalog lists an outdated app version from the volume App Store. If you don't have apps set to automatically update, then you'll need to be aware of what app version is listed in the JSS. Self Service checks the JSS catalog, not the App Store for license info, and it won't install an old app version.
Posted on 10-12-2018 08:41 AM
It's a pain, I constantly have to refresh the license for a specific app that wont push out.