iPad MDM commands not working well

New Contributor III

We have started noticing a lot more issues with our iPads getting mdm commands towards the end of last week and today.  We did update to 10.44.1 around 9 days ago.  Inventory Updates, app installs, and profile install/removals will just be stuck pending forever.   We've restarted our jamf instance, restarted iPads, turned off caching servers (since we've had problems with app installs previously), tested on outside networks, but it seems to be the same no matter what.  Is anyone else having issues?  I'm not sure if it could be an Apple thing or maybe a 10.44.1 thing, or if it's something entirely different.



Valued Contributor III

Is it stuck on a certain MDM profile in your environment? Or just random profiles?


If you "cancel" that one or two profiles, does the rest of the stuff push?

New Contributor III

It's not just profiles.  It happens with Inventory Updates, App Lists, App installation commands, and profiles. Sometimes if you restart the device holding the power and home button one of them will go through, but that's about it.  That's not consistent either.  I'm probably going to open up a Jamf case, but thought I'd reach out here first to see if anyone else is having the issue.

Valued Contributor III

Dealing with related stuff. Let me know what you find.

New Contributor

I am having problems with enabling and disabling lost mode on iPads, the commands all seem to be stuck on "pending"

New Contributor

I appear to have a similar issue. Trying to install an iPad app through Self Service is hit and miss, around 80% hit mark for the app to install. The one iPad I have been working with since discovering the issue has further failed to remove a config profile, as well as failing a 'Wipe Device' command. All processes hang in the MDM as pending.
Running v10.43.0 at the time of this post.

Valued Contributor III

Worth talking to Jamf Support. From what I understand, there is a PI related to config profiles not pushing. If one gets stuck, all the rest behind it don't push. If you're seeing other commands not going through, let's see what Jamf says.

New Contributor

Does anyone have any updates to this issue?  We are still seeing similar issues with 10.44.1.  I will be reaching out to JAMF support, but wanted to check to see if there were any solutions first.  

New Contributor III

My issue came down to the App List never finishing, causing commands to stall.  This was consistent on every device with issues.  It would get into a state where no commands would process.

We have updated three iPads with issues to the new 16.4 that was just released Monday and the issue goes away.  I think it was an issue with 16.3.x.


The bad part is 16.4 is not certified for our state testing so we are hesitant to update because updating last year caused audio issues with the tests.  

New Contributor

Thanks for the update!  I wondered if 16.3.1 might be causing issues as most of the devices we saw issues with were on that version.  We will try updating some devices and see if that helps!