Issues with Casper Imaging 8.64 and Adobe CS6 built with AAMEE

New Contributor III


Having an issue with the new version of Casper Imaging 8.64 and installing CS6 at restart. The package built with AAMEE is not installing. If I use Casper Imaging 8.63 it will install without issue. There has been no change to the package just the software used to image.

Has anyone else run into this issue?



New Contributor II
New Contributor II

For anyone seeing an issue with Adobe packages not installing properly with 8.64 in the FirstRun process, we are aware of this issue, and have created a defect on our side. For your reference this defect can be tracked with the defect ID of D-003696.

If you contact your account manager and reference the Defect ID they will be able to supply you with the needed information for the workaround.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help out with here.


View solution in original post



On Casper Admin, when you look at the properties of the pkg, under option, are you checking the "This package must be installed to the boot volume at imaging time" option?

New Contributor III

Yep, there is no change in the way the package is being installed other then using one version of Casper Imaging over another.

So using Casper Imaging 8.63 all works as expected, all software installed and working including CS6.

Using Casper Imaging 8.64 everything is installed like above except for CS6, its missing from the Applications folder.

Part of my testing the Imaging process with both version of Casper Imaging. I had them both run through the imaging process but did not have them restart to finish the post install packages. Checked the "First Run" folder for JAMF and all the packages where there. There is a minor change with the "" script that Imaging builds from version 8.63 and 8.64

The "Delete the temporary user and restore the original files for autologin" section has moved above the "Run any scripts that were specified to be run after reboot here" section. In 8.43 the order is reversed, don't think that would cause the issue I am seeing.


Yeah, that's super strange - out of curiosity, does your CS6 pgk works fine if you deploy it through Casper Remote 8.6.x?

Esteemed Contributor III


(I know, it's a shot in the dark)


New Contributor II

Also seeing this with Adobe CS5, built with AAMEE. Works fine with 8.63

New Contributor III

Just upgraded to 8.64 this weekend and we are now having the same issue with CS5.5 and CS6.

Valued Contributor II

in my experiences, i have had about 70-90% success letting casper do it, i now wrap adobe CS and all my stuff that needs to install on a live system, and install it with a launch daemon when the user logs in the first time.

New Contributor III

So in further testing.

Pushing the package with Casper Remote 8.64 worked like it should. Software installed and working.

So it looks like its an issue the JAMF Casper Imaging 8.64.

New Contributor

I got the same issues with 5, 5.5 and 6 being part of the install at reboot imaging process.

Valued Contributor III

Not sure if this is the same but looks like I am caught in a loop of reboots since I have a script that happens after imaging to reboot the machine after all installs are complete.
After the reboot it keeps trying do the 1st run scripts all over again. Keeps trying CS6 over and over. (Im using 8.64 as well).
I let it run 3 times so far.
So its not remembering whats being completed.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools

Valued Contributor


Casper FirstRun policy has a Reboot so please remove your reboot line in the script. Otherwise your Mac will reboot in a loop thinking it hasn't finished the imaging process.

Do not put any reboot lines in post image scripts.

Valued Contributor III

Removed that reboot script and the cs6 image still fails to deploy.

Worked with jamf on this and they provided me a test fix package to install at stage 1 during imaging that fixes the cs6 failing issue. Love their quick response. I would ask your rep for this pkg file to see if it fixes yours as well. Has to do with the way a user get created to install the adobe pkg apparently.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools

Valued Contributor

We are still on 8.62 and we don't have any issues with deploying CS6.
I don't want to hijack this discussion so If you need anything else regarding your CS6 please create a new discussion as this is all about Casper 8.64 and JSS.

Valued Contributor III

JAMF fixed this issue that this thread is discussing (imaging 8.64 and cs6) with a special pkg as I stated above. Watch your responses; they come off much differently then I'm sure you intend them. Thanks again for the tip. 2nd thread with similar issue:

Gabe Shackney

Princeton Public Schools

Esteemed Contributor III
Watch your responses; they come off much differently then I'm sure you intend them.

@gshackney Your comments are relevant and on topic. We are on 8.64, and our AAMEE packages are wrapped in DMG and deployed with a script, with no dependency on having a user (temp or otherwise) logged into these. No issues deploying both the main package and the exceptions package. So far 100% success with no errors, although we target logged off Macs only.


New Contributor II
New Contributor II

For anyone seeing an issue with Adobe packages not installing properly with 8.64 in the FirstRun process, we are aware of this issue, and have created a defect on our side. For your reference this defect can be tracked with the defect ID of D-003696.

If you contact your account manager and reference the Defect ID they will be able to supply you with the needed information for the workaround.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help out with here.


Valued Contributor II

Please search jamfnation "managing cs6" myself and others covered this months ago!

Valued Contributor II

cant the fix be made in to a kb or posted here please.?

I noticed this a while back but got around the problem via the mounting a dmg and install command.

like others for primary dp is afp and only reverted to other methods because this isnt working.

Also like other might be i would like this working asap as shouldnt need to log a call for a fix on a known defect!

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hi tkimption,

The defect that this discussion is tied to is based on an issue that we found specifically in 8.64. This is an issue that is only seen when installing an Adobe PKG at imaging time with-in the FirstRun script.

From what I am seeing in the other post, we may be running into other issues on other versions of Casper Imaging.

One thing I have tested in the past that has cleared up some issues is to verify that all permissions in the PKG are correct and haven't been changed.

As a test we can run a command like the following to set permissions on the package on the share it is being downloaded from:

sudo chmod -R 755 /path/to/Adobe.pkg

Next we can push out our Adobe package via Remote and or Imaging to see if either one works.

If we are seeing issues that are not tied to this defect please let you account manager know and they can work with you more closely to resolve them.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help with.


Esteemed Contributor III lemme get this straight. So Adobe is the hero here, having fixed a JAMF bug by giving us cr@ppy installers that have to be encapsulated in DMG for delivery. Adobe duct tape...priceless. :)


Valued Contributor

gshackney wrote;

Watch your responses; they come off much differently then I'm sure you intend them.

I'm extremely sorry about that. I thought you were referring to the reboot loop caused by the reboot line in your script.
My mistake. Sorry.

Esteemed Contributor III

@Kumarasinghe with all the value and assistance you've provide on this list, you're allowed to kick someone in the teeth once in a while. Figuratively speaking, of course. LOL

(Just kidding!)


Valued Contributor II lemme get this straight. So Adobe is the hero here, having fixed a JAMF bug by giving us cr@ppy installers that have to be encapsulated in DMG for delivery. Adobe duct tape...priceless. :)

lol Don you crack me up again :)

Valued Contributor III

No worries, I got a good dental plan. ;)
Hard to be as clear in my text as I think I am in my head, if that even makes sense.

Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools

Princeton Public Schools

Esteemed Contributor III

@derek.brost wrote:

One thing I have tested in the past that has cleared up some issues is to verify that all permissions in the PKG are correct and haven't been changed. As a test we can run a command like the following to set permissions on the package on the share it is being downloaded from: sudo chmod -R 755 /path/to/Adobe.pkg

Hi Derek,

What about those of us who are using Windows/EMC/etc. shares for our Distribution Points?

Is there a specific set of permissions that should be set (recursively and persistent)?

This way we can provide guidelines to our datacenter team.

Many thanks,


New Contributor II
New Contributor II


Hi Don,

Thank you for the question and I apologize for not mentioning this.

With this command we are granting everyone at read and execute so the package and any internal files can be read and run properly.

If we are in a Windows environment for example we could do the following:

  1. Right click on the package and select Properties
  2. Click on the Security tab
  3. If everyone is not part of the list add them
  4. Verify that the Everyone entry has Read and Write access

As you mention Don we will want to set these settings recursively so all of our files inside get the same permissions.

Again if we have issues outside of the defect that was mentioned here I suggest reaching out to your account manager to help identify what other issues might be happening.


Valued Contributor II

And for the other 1000 packages? Still right click...?

Valued Contributor II

Feature request...seriously?

This should be standard the when saving on Casper Admin it automatically goes through the item in the share, add every and gives everyone read access.

Come on guys this has been a massive problem and hassle for too long

Esteemed Contributor III

@tkimpton In other environments the datacenter team were able to set the security tab for the top of the share, and not sure how but they were able to make it recursive and persistent - so going forward anything going into the share picks up the right permissions.


Valued Contributor II

Valued Contributor II

Dont know either but right click every item is a poor solution to an old ongoing issue.

New Contributor II
New Contributor II


Hi Tim,

The example that I posted here was to give the same steps on a Windows environment as running the command on in the Mac. I had posted it because I had seen in the past that specifically in Adobe packages that running that command would help fix some issues I had seen on AFP shares.

If we are using an SMB share, we should be pushing out the Adobe packages with the steps in the following KB article for using the PKG inside a DMG:

If we are having permissions issues on all of our packages then I would to look at our SMB share, there might be some things we would want to take a look. If this is an issue we are seeing I would suggest contacting your account manager to help look further into this.



Contributor II

FYI, I was having trouble with this as well, and my support rep sent me this:

When we run the firstrun script when imaging, we create a user called adobeinstall. This is not a fully fleshed out user, but more of a temp user. With Adobe CS6 Adobe not does checks to make sure this is a more "fleshed" out user. So we we have done is created a little package that will "flesh" out the adobeinstall user to ensure that the installer will run properly. Attached is the package, please follow the work flow below, and let me know if you run into issues. - Add the AdobeUser.pkg to the FirstRun process and make it priority 1 - Add the AdobeUser.pkg to a configuration with an Adobe installer package in it

Here's a link to the AdobeUser.pkg:

Hope this helps someone!


Esteemed Contributor III

Thanks for the upload Andy, I'm actually working on a CS6 deployment process that includes scripted removal of CS4, so this is coming at the right time.

It would be nice if JSS can provide a temporary account function, so we can check a box to [x]Create a temp account to be used for this policy it up. ;)



New Contributor III

Thanks Andy - we're testing this with imaging right now and so far we're seeing good results imaging with the Adobe User.pkg and the AAMEE created CS6 .pkgs- which is bittersweet as I was about 3/4s done with a much clunkier alternate resolution to the issue..

Valued Contributor

As an update this issue appears to still exist in 8.7 as I've been fighting this. The AdobeUser.pkg package resolved this frustrating issue for me.

Contributor II

old post... but im having the same issue... and with adobe user.pkg can't seem to be able to make it work...!!

put the adobe user.pkg in my configuration in casper admin... set it to priority 1...
in the same configuration i have my cs6 package from AAMEE...

nothing happens... no installation in application folder


I think I read somewhere in the deployment plan manual thingie from Adobe that the only supported way of distributing CS6 packed with Adobe is through ARD.

Esteemed Contributor III

FYI... Using Creative Cloud Packager, you create Windows and/or Mac OS packages (MSI or PKG files) and then using any third-party deployment tool that supports the deployment of native installers (for example Microsoft SCCM, Apple ARD, or JAMF Casper Suite) deploy them to client machines.

And... The Adobe Application Manager Enterprise Edition (AAMEE) 3.0 offers IT administrators in enterprise organizations a straightforward and customizable way to wrap Creative Suite 6 applications as MSI or PKG for silent deployment via industry standard tools such as Apple Remote Desktop, JAMF Casper, and Microsoft SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager). The MSI and PKG installers enable a fully unattended install on end user machines from a centralized deployment location with customizable options and advanced installation logging.

@makander wrote:

I think I read somewhere in the deployment plan manual thingie from Adobe that the only supported way of distributing CS6 packed with Adobe is through ARD.