Jamf App Catalog Install Failures

New Contributor

Hey everyone,

Having an issue with jamf app catalog installations. Some machines just seem to randomly not want to install the app. These machines are very similar, it's a computer lab, but one machine will install successfully and its neighbor will fail.

My question is how do I investigate this further plus all I see in the console is that it failed with no real information and also has anyone else experienced this and was able to fix it.


Valued Contributor II

In order to troubleshoot, you need to look to the Management History of a machine, Jamf App Catalog utilizes MDM Commands.


Computer -> Computer Inventory Record -> History Tab -> Management History

Then look for the Failed Command, Select Retry on the Failed Computer within Jamf App Configuration in another Tab & Monitor the MDM Commands Status.

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Valued Contributor III


I have used a combo of Jamf App Catalog and Patch Management for some apps. Once in a while, I'll go in and click Retry all failed.



Contributor II

I see this too. And none of the computers have failed MDM commands in their computer record. Not sure if their just getting purged before I have a chance to see them or what.

It's not limited to a certain app, they all have high failure rates. I also periodically re-push through this method.

I think this is one of Jamf's newer features. Kinda seems buggy.

Contributor III

I'm having a similar issue, similar lab environment, except the Jamf App Catalog entry for the app will show an app as installed on a computer, while the computer doesn't actually have the app installed, or it'll be the other way around, an app will be installed on a computer, while the Jamf App Catalog entry for the app still shows in progress (this is a couple of days, and "jamf recon"'s later), for an app that was in-fact installed by that entry.

I just want to know how to tell my Jamf instance the correct state of the computer in these instances, so that at least the computer missing the app the Jamf App Catalog entry says is installed ends up getting the app installed.

I've just re-imaged/re-built our Mac labs an a couple of computers are missing apps because the Jamf App Catalog says they are installed, and another about a dozen are showing some apps not installed, even though they are installed.