Posted on 01-10-2024 09:14 AM
Hello everyone is there a script out there that determines the user's log-in time for when they have successfully logged into Jamf Connect? I believe I would need to create an extension attribute for this sort of request.
After I have created the extension attribute, We would then want to create a smart group in Jamf based on the created Extension Attribute.
Posted on 01-10-2024 12:28 PM
Jamf provides an extension attribute for this. Pretty much anything you would ever want to get from JAMF connect can be found in /Users/{username}/Library/Preferences/com.jamf.connect.state.plist.
# Jamf Connect state - Is the last successful sign-in within the specified number of days
# Copyright (c) 2020 JAMF Software, LLC
# Script type: Jamf Pro Extension Attribute
# Usage: The last time someone successfully signed in to the Jamf Connect menu bar agent
# is stored in com.jamf.connect.state.plist located in ~/Library/Preferences
# Report back as an EA either
# No record found - either the com.jamf.connect.state.plist does not exist, or the user never signed in
# Over limit - The last sign-in is older than the number of days we specified below
# Within limit - The last sign-in is within the range of the number of days we specified below
# Why: The info can be used to create a Smart Computer Group to remediate password sync.
# For example, use the Smart Computer Group as a target scope for :
# a Configuration Profile that adds the DenyLocal key for com.jamf.connect.login set to TRUE to force an IDP login at next power cycle
# a Policy that reboots the machine after X minutes of idle
# a Policy that updates the inventory of the machine every X hours to make sure the user logged in
# a Configuration Profile that adds RequireSignIn to TRUE to com.jamf.connect
# LIMITATIONS: This EA will only update on an inventory update in Jamf Pro, so schedule your inventory
# recons appropriately.
# ADMIN: Change the next line to the number of days you want to check. In this case, we're checking to see if
# a user has logged in successfully within the last
LastSignInMaxAge=14 # Numeric value in DAYS
#Get current signed in user
currentUser=$(ls -l /dev/console | awk '/ / { print $3 }')
# Path to the preference with our current user's shortname
# Read the preference key from the .plist with PlistBuddy. If no preference, LastSignIn will be "No record found"
LastSignIn=$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print :LastSignIn" "$jamfConnectStateLocation" || echo "No record found")
# If our result is "No record found", return the result to the EA and stop
if [ "$LastSignIn" = "No record found" ]; then
echo "<result>No record found</result>"
exit 0;
# Otherwise, use the date command to calculate how far back in Epoch time is our maximum sign in date, compare to the
# results of the LastSignIn.
# Give us today's date minus the range, report in Epoch time
LastSignInMaxDate=$(/bin/date -j -v -"$LastSignInMaxAge"d "+%s")
# Convert the UTC formatted date from LastSignIn into Epoch time
LastSignIn=$(/bin/date -j -f "%a %b %d %T %Z %Y" "$LastSignIn" "+%s")
# Compare the numberic values of the dates (that's why we're using ((.)) and not [ $variable ] in this if command
# If the last signin is less than or equal to the cutoff (aka a date earlier than x days back), report Over limit
if ((LastSignIn <= LastSignInMaxDate)); then
echo "<result>Over limit</result>"
# Otherwise, we coo. Within the limits.
echo "<result>Within limit</result>"
exit 0;