JAMF Daemon freezing Mac

New Contributor

I'm not sure how JAMF software was loaded onto my Mac, but it's causing my laptop to freeze everytime i try to open a dialog box for from a browser.

"com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.jamfsoftware.jamf.daemon[93276]) Service exited with abnormal code: 1"

"com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (com.jamfsoftware.jamf.daemon) Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 10 seconds."

I can't find out what is doing this. But, some times the wait time is longer than 10 seconds. How do i solve this?


Honored Contributor II

Its definitely unusual behaviour. I would try un-enrolling and re-enrolling the Mac to see if that clears it up.

If not, it will probably be a config profile, restricted software or policy that the Mac is in scope for that will be causing the problem.

Valued Contributor

If the Mac was provided to you by your school or enterprise, consult with the IT group or person that provided the computer to you.

Honored Contributor

Might help also to know what OS the Mac is running and what version of JAMF binary:

jamf version

New Contributor

Thanks all!

1). @scottb it's version jamf version 2.24
2). @davidacland how do i unenroll or re-enroll?

Honored Contributor II

@travelmail26 you can unenroll by entering sudo jamf removeFramework in the terminal, then re-enroll using a QuickAdd package.

If you don't have admin rights on your Mac or access to the QuickAdd package it would be best that you speak to the person that manages your Casper server.

The only thing to be careful of is knock on effects of un-enrolling. It might remove settings or software from the Mac. Checking with the Casper administrator should answer the question about that though.

New Contributor

@davidacland you'll have to forgive me, i don't know how JAMF software ended up on my computer. What is a quick addpackage and how do i get it? i appreciate the help

Honored Contributor II

It will probably be when your Mac was first setup. Was it provided by your school or business?

New Contributor

also, i got this: The file /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.plist does not exist. Use the createConf verb to create it.

Honored Contributor II

You just need to take it to the person looking after your Casper service and they will solve it. If you're not the Casper admin for your organization you're not going to be able to fix it I'm afraid.

New Contributor

@davidacland let's assume i don't have a casper admin. what are my options? is there a way to install the software and then uninstall it? or maybe just update it?

Honored Contributor II

If you don't have a Casper admin at all your only option will be to uninstall Casper from the Mac using the command above.

Was the Mac provided by your school or business though?

New Contributor

@davidacland Not sure, maybe a previous business owner put the software on it. the computer is used. The command doesn't work because it says the folder doesn't exist. is there any way to reinstall the software?

Legendary Contributor III

@travelmail26 Just curious but, why do you want to reinstall it? If what you're saying is true that you a) don't have a Casper administrator, b) a previous owner installed it, and c) its causing performance issues on your Mac, then I'm really curious why you would want to uninstall and re-install it. If I were in your position, I'd be happy with just uninstalling it and going on my way.
What's the ultimate motive here then?

New Contributor

@mm2270 well i guess i'm hoping that a reinstall with updated software will update the parts of JAMF software that are causing problems. or at the very least create a folder that will allow me to uninstall it for good

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

@travelmail26 I'm a bit curious as well. Is this your personally owned laptop? And is this for a laptop used in a corporate or edu space? From the sounds of it, I am guessing this is your personal laptop that you either purchased from someone, or was on an edu network as part of BYOD.

Legendary Contributor III

@travelmail26 If you ran the removeFramework command mentioned above on the Mac, and it ran to completion successfully, then its pretty much a guarantee its been fully removed from your Mac. If you did do this and are still seeing performance issues, then, sorry to say it, but its not Casper Suite giving your Mac its woes. Its got to be something else.
If you acquired this Mac from someone with an OS already in place and set up, if its at all possible to back up data and some applications, boot to Recovery HD and wipe and re-install the OS from scratch, that might be your best bet. While that's a drastic measure, you can be assured if you do this that there is nothing from the previous owner lingering on it that can cause problems for you. The performance issues are almost guaranteed to go away, unless there is a hardware problem with it.
Otherwise you may end up spending more time troubleshooting and tracking down issues than actually using your Mac.

edit: Honestly though, I can't help but feel you aren't being completely forthcoming on who's Mac this is, how you came by it, who had it before and so on. You've been a little coy on the details, which around these parts, will raise some suspicion.

New Contributor

@mm2270 @stevewood not trying to be stealthy. I got it used and it had software when i got it. Casper could have been loaded on by some company. I tried running the remove framework code, but i got the error mentioned above that the folder was not found. Is there a way to install the software so the folder comes back and then remove it again? if so, how would i get the software? Happy to answer any questions you all have. this is super helpful.

Valued Contributor

@travelmail26 all the computers I've ever bought used, I've erased and reinstalled the OS, apps, and so forth for a nice new clean experience in order to avoid stuff like this.

I know some folks are not always comfortable with this, but with Apple's internet recovery option, it is a lot easier for those needing a simple method of going back to scratch.

Honored Contributor

I would recommend you backup for files and then do an internet recovery as others have suggested:
That link should explain how to do the internet recovery. It's probably safer to do this anyways as you really have no idea what may have been left on that computer. It gives you a free clean start.

New Contributor

@dpertschi i was using that as a last ditch plan. I've had this machine for a few years and it just started acting up. hoping to find a fix. how do install casper software again?

Honored Contributor

@travelmail26 It's not something you just install again. The organization and/or IT admin needs to enroll it via a special site which you probably won't have access to. Hence the feedback to backup and do an internet recovery.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

@travelmail26 if all you are wanting to do is to keep the jamf daemon from running, removing the LaunchDaemon and LaunchAgents should suffice. If you go into these two folders:


Locate any file that starts with com.jamfsoftware and remove it, then restart your computer. That should prevent the jamf daemon from running, even if the software is still on your computer.

You can take it a step further and delete the JAMF folder within /Library/Application Support as well if you'd like.

New Contributor III

Am I the only one scratching my head over the JAMF binary version being 2.24? How old is THAT? I remember starting on version 3 or 4 in 2006.

Legendary Contributor III

@bkvines I don't think I noticed that before. That seems almost impossible. For one thing, launchd's like LaunchDaemons and LaunchAgents didn't exist in OS X until OS X 10.4 "Tiger" which was released in early 2005, and their implementation in that release was seriously flaky and half baked, so I'm not even sure if JAMF had implemented their LaunchDaemon process by then. If they were like other vendors, they may have waited until Apple finished launchd's implementation in 10.5 which released in 2007.
I wonder if that was just a mistake in how the jamf binary was reporting it, or a typo? How would such an old version of JAMFs tools even make it onto a Mac with a relatively up to date OS? Although @travelmail26 never actually did mention the OS the Mac was running, so I wonder.

Honored Contributor

I'm scratching my head over this whole thread to be honest...biting tongue as it were.