Jamf PowerBI connection

New Contributor III

I would like to setup PowerBI dashboards for Jamf.

However I cannot find a good up-to-date guide that steps through all the steps. Jamf's YT video https://youtu.be/PBsP84G-vtg?si=G4zj7mc2gZpH15Ml is great, but the narrator just says to use an account that has get rights to computers, etc. but does not explain how you would set that up. I find many YT tech tutorial videos are like that - missing important info that the narrator just assumes everyone knows.

I have an AD/LDAP service account added to Jamf and have given it read permissions to everything. But when I try to use that account to connect to Jamf in PowerBI it fails to authenticate and so does my regular account. I'm not clear on what URL to use for our on-prem Jamf environment. Is it https://yourcompany.domain or https://yourcompany.domain/api?

Jamf's GitHub page is 4 years old! https://github.com/jamf/powerbi/ - can't this be updated? It still talks about the custom connector which I understand you don't need anymore.

And do I need to do anything in the API to set this up?


Esteemed Contributor II

@mthoma The PowerBI example uses Basic Auth which is is disabled by default in Jamf Pro now. You should convert the script to use Bearer Token auth (see https://community.jamf.com/t5/tech-thoughts/how-to-convert-classic-api-scripts-to-use-bearer-token/b... for guidance) but if you just want to see how the integration works you can (temporarily) re-enable Basic Auth by selecting "User accounts and groups" in your JSS console then clicking on the Password Policy button and enabling the "Allow Basic authentication in addition to Bearer Token authentication" option. Note that option is slated to be removed early next year.

New Contributor III

Thanks for that info. Wish Jamf would provide it in their docs. However I don't understand why I need a script and where that script will reside? I'm connecting to Jamf via PowerBI Desktop on my Windows laptop using the built-in Jamf connector (which is labelled as Beta).

New Contributor III

Managed finally to get it working by following the advice from this post: https://community.fabric.microsoft.com/t5/Developer/Issue-with-jamf-pro-Beta-connector-since-jamf-ma...

So make sure you don't include the final / in your URL. The odd thing though is that when loading the data, PowerBI says it's "Waiting for https://yourcompany.domain/", so somehow inconsistent.

New Contributor

I would like to do the same without the Desktop version... @mthoma did you connect to powerBI cloud or the desktop version? It seems all documentation was not only old, but desktop only....


Contributor III

I'm wondering the same thing, I appear to have got the Cloud Connector going, now just how to use it.