Jamf Pro Patch Feed Updates

Contributor II
Contributor II

Today, we launched enhanced versions of many of our existing patch management titles with more granular breakdowns and definitions to make app reporting and patch workflows more flexible. This is especially valuable for customers who aren’t always adopting the very latest version of an app or series. 

As was noted in the Jamf Pro 10.27 release notes, some of the existing titles have been marked as deprecated following this first round of upgrades. This deprecation label may cause an alarming round of email alerts for customers subscribing to title changes - don't panic! All deprecated titles will continue to receive full version updates for the foreseeable future in parallel with the newly released titles, so no existing patch workflows should be impacted.

We recommend that any customer adding a new title select the non-deprecated variants to minimize any future migration steps. We will provide guidance alongside a future Jamf Pro release for any necessary migration steps that may occur to help all customers move off of the deprecated versions of these titles prior to any end of support.

Over the coming weeks and months, you can expect to see even more titles added to the Jamf Pro patch feed. You can monitor the new resource page to keep track of the latest titles available from Jamf.


Contributor II

I haven't set up any new definitions yet so all mine say 'legacy' at the moment, are these going to be converted to new ones at some point (I'm already on 10.28)? I surely don't need to delete Chrome to then set up Chrome etc. across them all?

Valued Contributor III

@ianatkinson I removed and re-added all of my patches to remove the legacy ones. I believe that was necessary. I didn't like that my users saw the (Deprecated) message next to the patch. There was no need for Jamf to make this visible to the users 🤬

New Contributor

Patching is all broken now... I am not happy with Jamf at all right now... This is literally the worst software... My patch definitions are not being updated, definitions are not being deployed, and the patching is not being updated with the machines. I don't know what they did, but this is terrible.

Even the support is not the greatest anymore, I used to get calls, and they were really hands on, lately it seems like there is not sense of urgency, and have been hands off... Maybe time to find a new solution.