JAMF Remote Assist

Contributor III

Experiencing issues with the JAMF Remote Assist feature! It was effective for a few months, but now, I'm unable to access any devices remotely. Even after trying the troubleshooting methods recommended by JAMF Support, the problem persists. I've learned there's an ongoing product issue. Is anyone else encountering similar challenges?


New Contributor III

Yep, same issues, works on most and then does not work for some at all. Have gone through tons of support calls with Jamf and our AV vendor trying to fix. We have given up even trying to troubleshoot it until Jamf makes changes on their end.

New Contributor II

Same here. Had some successful test connections, but mostly failures. Basically giving up for now. Not reliable enough to try to rely on for remote assistance. 

New Contributor II

In the mean time, if your devices are on your local network, you can use the mac built-in screen share application. I have more reliable connections that way.

New Contributor II

This is a good idea, I’ll look into this. We’ve been having very unreliable remote connections as well. If someone is off campus we can usually direct them to VPN into the local network and get them support that way

Contributor III

We don't have the devices on our local network , We have our Mac Devices across multiple regions hence we wanted the JAMF Remote assist feature 


When they first rolled it out it was working some of the time for me. Now it doesn't work on any machine or scenario I've tried.

Found this so just adding it to the thread

Issue # PI119310
When starting an attended Jamf Remote Assist session, the connection sometimes fails and the console displays the following error message: "Cannot start Jamf Remote Assist session. Cannot connect to end user computer. Make sure the computer is online and try again."


Wonderingwhat others see compared these screenshots. When I manually toggle on the Privacy and Security > Screen Sharing & Audio System Recording setting for jamfRemoteAssist then I can get Jamf Remote Assist to work.

But the Jamf video setup instructions have a checkbox that is no longer anywhere that I can find to default these permissions to on.

Remote Assist options.png


CleanShot 2025-01-06 at 11.15.31.png



Yea, I'm having the same issue.  Worked when I first tested it months ago. Now noticing several machines with the jamfRemoteAssist being off by default.  When I manually enable, remote assist works.  Didn't previously have to do that.

New Contributor II

Looked at this again today. Can also confirm that it works when enabling Screen & System Audio Recording for jamfRemoteAssist. 

I tried to create a PPPC config for it, but it doesn't seem to work to enable it. 

At least it looks like standard users can enable it, so it's possible to instruct a user to go into settings > Privacy & Security > Screen & System Audio Recording and enable for jamfRemoteAssist.




Interestingly, you can see the built-in Jamf PPPC for it (General > Device Management), with several things listed but it doesn't seem to work either.



Below is my own PPPC, the "Receive UI Events..." is input monitoring.
