JSS API not updating with new searches

New Contributor II

I have several saved searches that are working when logged into Casper, but when I use the API to access them, they time out and give zero output. If I create a new search then it doesnt show up when loading the .../JSSResource/advancedmobiledevicesearches URL. The XML loads and shows old searches, but nothing new is in there.

Is there any way to kick the API back into working order?


Legendary Contributor III

Hmm. I've never experienced anything like that myself. Have you tried restarting the JSS or at least restarting Tomcat? If you have and its still doing that, you may want to open a case with JAMF. It sounds like something really odd is going on on the backend. There really shouldn't be a discrepancy between what you see in the JSS GUI vs the API.

Honored Contributor II

Same from me. Sounds like something might be broken in the database, or between the database and tomcat.

As well as contacting JAMF support, I would try creating a new advanced search in the web interface, while monitoring the server logs. There might be some clues in there.


I have seen this problem if the results have over 2000 devices when working with Mobile Devices, It does seem to work correctly for OS X devices.