JSS on Linux. Distribution Point replication

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Hi all,

I was looking at hosting my new jss on mac mini's as I needed NetBoot & Asus... But looks like I can run them off a Linux server which may keep the bean counters & nw designers happy.

One question though, how to replicate distribution points when your jss & are hosted on Linux servers? Does the jss utility handle it just like a mac server? Or do you create your own rsync scripts?




Valued Contributor

Mine is on a Windows box and I used Robocopy so I am pretty sure you could
setup rsync to do the same.


Matt LeeFNG Sr. IT Analyst / Desktop Architecture Team / Apple S.M.E /
JAMF Casper Administrator
Fox Networks Group
matthew.lee at fox.com

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Esteemed Contributor III

We were told by our Wintel group that any box in the server room can be set up to robocopy sync master>replica Distribution Point...but that the process couldn't run on either the master or replica. I understand why this is so when using JSS Utility (since you can't mount a local share on your own Desktop). But is this valid for Wintel robocopy?

We have one customer with about 1500 users in CA and 500 users in NYC. We have a 500G share on a NAS in each location (only SMB; no Web or AFP). We haven't cut over (move the master off the danged Xserve to the NAS in CA) yet since Wintel are still exploring sync options. If we end up doing this ourself with robocopy, would love to hear confirmation from folks who are already syncing two NAS shares providing SMB services for Distribution Points.


Matthew Lee Matt.Lee at fox.com



I use rsync and set it in a cronjob, mine looks like this

00 01 * /usr/local/bin/rsync.sh

##51 14 * rsync -rav --delete -e ssh rsyncusr at mainservername:"
/share/path/CasperShare/" /distribution/share/path/

This runs every night I also scripted it so I can manually do it.

I use Share keys so no Password has to be in the script. Here is my Documentation on that.

Each on of these Distribution Points have the personal cert or Shared Key of the main distribution and have created user rsyncusr. This allows a rsync without needing password input.

This is setup from Each Distribution Point you must have a user with the name on each server rsyncusr happens to be mine

mkdir ~/.ssh

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -C "Enter an optional comment about your key?"

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase) no passphrase

Your identification has been saved in /Users/rsyncusr/.ssh/id_rsa <-- if Linux will be /home/rsyncusr/.ssh/id_rsa
Your public key has been saved in /Users/rsyncusr/.ssh/id_rsa.pub <-- if Linux will be /home/rsyncusr.ssh/id_rsa.pub
The key fingerprint is:
60:b5:c1:b7:ee:ab:31:d1:70:d8:03:41:df:0f:08:eb Enter an optional comment about your key?

**do this on all servers
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/*

*Do this just from the Distubution Points
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh mainservername 'cat - >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

**after first accepting the ssh connection, should no longer need a password***

D. Trey Howell ACMT, ACHDS, CCA
trey.howell at austinisd.org
Desktop Engineering
twitter @aisdmacgeek

Esteemed Contributor III

Hi Matthew,

My apologies in advance for bringing back an old thread. :) Any chance you can post your Robocopy command so we can peruse?

We're in the process of moving JSS from a single unsupported Xserve box, to a couple VMs (Windows Server 2008 R2 VMs). In the process we'll be splitting off MySQL and Tomcat.

I'm not familiar with Robocopy, but I'm hoping it can handle verification/resume as well as sending alert when copy is done (including any errors).

PS, would be nice to see a best-practice Robocopy command in the Resource Kit. :)



New Contributor III


Has anyone tried a two way rsync. I'm in the process of
creating distribution points (master and child both running Lion)

Just wondered if anyone has setup a to way rsync.

So if someone creates and uploads a package on the child server I want this
to sync to the master and vice versa

Any help would be appreciated



Valued Contributor II

try unison,
Todd Ness
Technology Consultant/Non-Windows Services
Americas Regional Delivery Engineering
HP Enterprise Services

New Contributor III

Thanks will give that a go,

New Contributor III

Has anyone used unison for two way syncs, any pros or cons?

Valued Contributor II

I keep 4 servers in sync with unision, seems to do a real good job. I scripted it to run a sync 2 times each, twice an hour and it keeps the users in each country up to date, I generate a report for when there is a conflict and a couple of users are responsible for managing their conflict issues but have had it going for a year now and no lost data.
Todd Ness
Technology Consultant/Non-Windows Services
Americas Regional Delivery Engineering
HP Enterprise Services