just show the date

Contributor III

How do we get the posts in the forums to just show the date and not the annoying relative stuff??




Contributor III

I have gone into settings >preferences>display and clicked the absolute date and saved but it does not show that way.

Esteemed Contributor II

@swapple Have you tried logging out and back in? When I made my initial settings change for my account it seemed like that was necessary for my changes to take effect.

Contributor III

In Safari, I opened this thread, because I too want non-relative dates. Then I opened a new Safari window to community.jamf.com and logged in and went to settings > preferences > display and changed the setting to absolute data and saved. I changed a bunch of other settings as well, couldn't find the one I was looking for - a checkbox marked "make community.jamf.com look more like the old site" 🙂 then I gave up, closed that window, reloaded this page and now all my dates are absolute. Your mileage may vary based upon browser... 


Now does anyone know if there's a way to hide the "Related Topics" sidebad on every thread page so that the text of posts takes most of the width of the browser window instead of losing the right section?


And does anyone know whether there's a way to get the text of the post to be larger than the text of the buttons and the poster? That's the important content people want to see. Don't get me wrong, @sdagley I always read your posts but if it was @somerandomuser instead I'd still read the post if it was helpful... but it's much harder right now to get the meat of the content off the bones of the new site framework. 

New Contributor II

You can change the settings in your Jamf Nation profile:

go to: https://community.jamf.com  ⟶ Login ⟶ "My Settings" ⟶ Preferences ⟶ Display (Display Settings) ⟶ Display Dates as ⟶ Absolute dates