Posted on 03-29-2020 02:47 AM
I thought this would be easy but I'm struggling.
I need to create a report that contains all "FileVault 2 Enabled Users" per machine that is rolled into Jamf.
I can click on an individual machine and check it manually per machine at the disc encryption section, but I can't figure out to have this automated into a report via an Inventory search/Smart Group.
Posted on 03-29-2020 08:33 AM
Would an EA help...even if Jamf Pro has issues with carriage returns?
STATUS=$(fdesetup status)
LIST=$(fdesetup list | cut -f1 -d",")
if [[ $STATUS = "FileVault is on." ]]
echo "<result>"$LIST"</result>"
echo "<result>"$STATUS"</result>"
The report would just need to include the EA data.
Posted on 10-05-2020 03:02 PM
How do we setup the EA to list the users with this?
The output we are currently seeing
FileVault 2 users:
FileVault is On. FileVault master keychain appears to be installed.
Posted on 10-06-2020 08:14 AM
Can you also recommend a way we could modify this to list non FV2 users?
Posted on 09-28-2022 01:51 AM
There is a ";" missing in the original post, this one works for me:
STATUS=$(fdesetup status)
LIST=$(fdesetup list | cut -f1 -d",")
if [ "$STATUS" = "FileVault is On." ];
echo "<result>"$LIST"</result>"
echo "<result>"$STATUS"</result>"