List of available variables in scripts

New Contributor III

Hi folks,


is there an overview which variables are available from computers and mobile devices that can be used in scripts?

Greetings Frank


New Contributor III

Sorry, theres no edit:

We want to push hardware data (serialnumber, model etc. etc.) from jamf to an external database (iDoIt).

Esteemed Contributor

The only way to export data from Jamf is using Jamfs API. All of the info you listed in your other comment is available with Jamf API.

Jamf Pro API Overview

New Contributor III

OK, i have an working api call already. Thought those variables would be available on a more easy way :-)

so just to confirm:

  1. i create a policy which gets executes on "enrollment complete"
  2. in this policy i call a python script
  3. this script does the api shenanigans and pushes it to out database api

Thats it basically?

New Contributor III

And $SERIALNUMBER should be available in script right? I need an identifier für the api call

New Contributor III

Meh....i just can query on id. But there is no variable für tje jamf id!?




New Contributor III

Meanwhile i found


But those are kinda basic. I need more of the hardware informations.

  • Model
  • Processor Type
  • Operating System Version
  • Jamf Pro Computer ID


And hopefully i don´t have to use a configuration profile for this. A script type python via policy on enrollment would be best.