Login Message when FV2 is enabled?

New Contributor II

I'm under the impression that if you have a standard login window message setup at the time FV2 is enabled, it will be used at the FV2 power on auth window. But that is not what I'm experiencing. I use a Profile to setup the login message. Now that FV2 is setup using Casper to deploy, the message does not show up on the FV2 power on auth screen. Is there more to do to get this working?


Legendary Contributor III

No, that login message, if I'm thinking of the right thing based on what you're describing, won't show up at the power on FV2 unlock screen. Keep in mind, when you see the FileVault 2 unlock screen, the OS hasn't even booted yet. The internal disk is still locked and so the OS can't load up until someone "unlocks" it by entering their account password at the FV2 screen. There is no way to get a login window message at this point since its not reading anything from the hard drive yet. Its only reading information from the EFI at that stage.

Valued Contributor III


I am not 100% sure how/where the login message for FV2 is read from. I think how the message is added has an effect. I use defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.loginwindow LoginwindowText and motd. I have tried testing with profiles, but gave up because it hurt my head : )

I think Greg had a post about it in http://managingosx.wordpress.com

But I couldn't find it :)


Contributor II
Contributor II

Check out Rich Trouton's blog, he's our local authority on FileVault 2. I believe this will address your question:


Valued Contributor II

Release Candidate Programs Tester

You can get your login window message to show up at the FileVault 2 pre-boot login screen, but just using the profile by itself won't do it. See below for an earlier thread covering how to make certain functions appear at the pre-boot login screen:


I've also got a couple of posts on the FileVault 2 pre-boot login screen and login window messages:



Legendary Contributor III

Oh, I see now. you mean the login banner. I misunderstood what you were looking for. I was under the impression you meant the AUP style message that you can have come up over a regular login window which can be done with an rtf file.

New Contributor II

Thanks Rich and thanks everyone. This should help me get what I need. I am adding only text to the FV2 window, so it should be easy, I just needed the command line tools to do it.