Posted on 02-26-2014 12:15 PM
Hey all,
I've seen a problem lately where my newly enrolled Macs are not applying the "Name and password text fields" option in our login window configuration profile. Instead they get a list of the user accounts of the computer. I confirmed it's set this way on the config profile and it hasn't been changed.
Anyone else see this?
Posted on 02-26-2014 12:16 PM
Ours works. But we use MCX to set that.
Posted on 02-26-2014 12:32 PM
Are you applying any other settings with your login window profile? I ask because, while the "Name and password text fields" setting is baked into our OS image, we apply the "Computer administrators may refresh or disable management" option in our login window profile to give admins access to the restricted preference panes in our Restrictions profile, and that isn't getting applied for us. Wondering if the issue is with the login window payload at large.
Edit: I should mention we apply our config profiles manually (download from JSS, package, deploy, apply via script) and still see the setting not being applied.
Edit 2: JSS 9.24. OS X 10.8.5 on all machines.
Posted on 02-26-2014 12:39 PM
We don't apply much from the default settings. We're on 9.23 and our machines range from 10.7-10.9. I've seen this happening on 10.8 and 10.9 machines so far. We generally set:
- Heading: Directory status
- Message: <district name>
- Style: Name and password text fields
- Show shutdown button
That's really it, everything else is default settings. The message still shows up but there's not shut down button and no text fields for username and password, just the default user "bubbles".
Posted on 02-26-2014 12:41 PM
Are the other three settings being applied normally?
Posted on 02-26-2014 01:23 PM
The banner applies but the shut down button does not appear. It's very odd.
Posted on 02-27-2014 08:23 AM
This is happening to me as well, and we're also using a config profile. I set it to not show the shutdown button - which is working - but I get a list of users instead of name/password fields. I just upgraded to 9.24 but it was happening on 9.23 too. However, our deal is that we recently got a new APN so had to run jamf manage on all clients in order for them to get the new MDM profile, so maybe that's part of the problem. I checked the manage section of the computer record in the JSS and everything looks cool, and it also looks fine on the client in the Profiles pref pane.
Posted on 02-27-2014 11:29 AM
FYI: It doesn't fix the issue with the config profile, but the command to set the behaviour, if only as a temporary workaround, is:
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ SHOWFULLNAME -bool TRUE
Posted on 08-13-2014 12:48 PM
Has anyone resolved this issue? I'm just starting to move over to profiles and this issue is showing on my one test machine.