Posted on
01:05 PM
- last edited
Anybody got any first boot scripts to share? Attached is mine, that was borrowed from @rtrouton that I've just tweaked over the years.
# Intial setup script for macOS 10.13.x
# John Wojda, created July 26, 2017
# Last modified 7-26-2017
# -Added DSDontWrite command
# - Added SetupAssistant.plist commands for 10.13
# Initial setup script for macOS 10.12.x
# Rich Trouton, created June 22, 2016
# Last modified 9-16-2016
# Adapted from Initial setup script for Mac OS X 10.11.x
# Rich Trouton, created July 29, 2015
# Last modified 1-21-2016
FIRSTRUN='/Library/Application Support/JAMF/FirstRun/Enroll/'
LOGFILE=/private/var/log/deployment-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M).logging
## Setup logging
# mkdir $LOGPATH
set -xv; exec 1> $LOGPATH/postimagelog.txt 2>&1
/usr/bin/say "Begining Post Image Script"
# Dummy package with image date and computer Model
/bin/echo "Creating imaging receipt..."
TODAY=`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`
touch /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Receipts/$modelName_Imaged_$TODAY.pkg
/bin/echo "Setting system preferences"
# Sleeping for 30 seconds to allow the new default User Template folder to be moved into place
/bin/sleep 30
# now Activate Remote Desktop Sharing, enable access privileges for the users, grant full privileges for the users, restart arduser Agent and Menu extra:
/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -activate -configure -access -on -users admin1,admin2 -privs -all -restart -agent -menu
# Disable Time Machine's pop-up message whenever an external drive is plugged in
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DoNotOfferNewDisksForBackup -bool true
# Disable root login by setting root's shell to /usr/bin/false
# Note: Setting this value has been known to cause issues seen
# by others when they used Casper's FileVault 2 management.
# If you are running Casper and see problems encrypting, the
# original UserShell value is as follows:
# /bin/sh
# To revert it back to /bin/sh, run the following command:
# /usr/bin/dscl . -change /Users/root UserShell /usr/bin/false /bin/sh
/usr/bin/dscl . -create /Users/root UserShell /usr/bin/false
## Show on desktop
## changed to use config profile... below for reference only...
#/bin/echo "Show on desktop"
#defaults write ShowMountedServersOnDesktop -bool true
#defaults write ShowExternalHardDrivesOnDesktop -bool true
#defaults write ShowHardDrivesOnDesktop -bool true
# Make a symbolic link from /System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Directory
# to /Applications/Utilities so that Directory is easier to access.
if [[ ! -e "/Applications/Utilities/Directory" ]]; then
/bin/ln -s "/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Directory" "/Applications/Utilities/Directory"
if [[ -L "/Applications/Utilities/Directory" ]]; then
/bin/rm "/Applications/Utilities/Directory"
/bin/ln -s "/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Directory" "/Applications/Utilities/Directory"
# Make a symbolic link from /System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Network
# to /Applications/Utilities so that Network is easier to access.
if [[ ! -e "/Applications/Utilities/Network" ]]; then
/bin/ln -s "/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Network" "/Applications/Utilities/Network"
if [[ -L "/Applications/Utilities/Network" ]]; then
/bin/rm "/Applications/Utilities/Network"
/bin/ln -s "/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Network" "/Applications/Utilities/Network"
# Make a symbolic link from /System/Library/CoreServices/Screen
# to /Applications/Utilities so that Screen is easier to access.
if [[ ! -e "/Applications/Utilities/Screen" ]]; then
/bin/ln -s "/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Screen" "/Applications/Utilities/Screen"
if [[ -L "/Applications/Utilities/Screen" ]]; then
/bin/rm "/Applications/Utilities/Screen"
/bin/ln -s "/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications/Screen" "/Applications/Utilities/Screen"
# Set separate power management settings for desktops and laptops
# If it's a laptop, the power management settings for "Battery" are set to have the computer sleep in 15 minutes, disk will spin down
# in 10 minutes, the display will sleep in 5 minutes and the display itslef will dim to half-brightness before sleeping. While plugged
# into the AC adapter, the power management settings for "Charger" are set to have the computer never sleep, the disk doesn't spin down,
# the display sleeps after 30 minutes and the display dims before sleeping.
# If it's not a laptop (i.e. a desktop), the power management settings are set to have the computer never sleep, the disk doesn't spin down, the display
# sleeps after 30 minutes and the display dims before sleeping.
# Power Management
/bin/echo "Setting power management"
# Detects if this Mac is a laptop or not by checking the model ID for the word "Book" in the name.
IS_LAPTOP=`/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep "Model Identifier" | grep "Book"`
if [ "$IS_LAPTOP" != "" ]; then
/usr/bin/pmset -b sleep 15 disksleep 10 displaysleep 5 halfdim 1
/usr/bin/pmset -c sleep 0 disksleep 0 displaysleep 30 halfdim 1
/usr/bin/pmset sleep 0 disksleep 0 displaysleep 30 halfdim 1
# Set the login window to name and password
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ SHOWFULLNAME -bool true
# Disable external accounts (i.e. accounts stored on drives other than the boot drive.)
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ EnableExternalAccounts -bool false
# Set the ability to view additional system info at the Login window
# The following will be reported when you click on the time display
# (click on the time again to proceed to the next item):
# Computer name
# Version of OS X installed
# IP address
# This will remain visible for 60 seconds.
## Changed to use config profile - line below for reference only...
#/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ AdminHostInfo HostName
# Sets the "Show scroll bars" setting (in System Preferences: General)
# to "Always" in your Mac's default user template and for all existing users.
# Code adapted from DeployStudio's rc130 ds_finalize script, where it's
# disabling the iCloud and gestures demos
# Checks the system default user template for the presence of
# the Library/Preferences directory. If the directory is not found,
# it is created and then the "Show scroll bars" setting (in System
# Preferences: General) is set to "Always".
# Enable DSDontWrite - By default, the Finder collects labels, tags, and other metadata related to files on mounted SMB volumes before determining how
# to display the files. macOS High Sierra 10.13 introduces the option for the Finder to fetch only the basic information about files on a mounted SMB
# volume, and to display them immediately in alphabetical order. This can increase performance in certain environments.
/bin/echo "Enable DSDontWrite..."
for USER_TEMPLATE in "/System/Library/User Template"/*
if [ ! -d "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences ]
/bin/mkdir -p "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences
if [ ! -d "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ByHost ]
/bin/mkdir -p "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ByHost
if [ -d "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ByHost ]
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences AppleShowScrollBars -string Always
/usr/bin/defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE
# Checks the existing user folders in /Users for the presence of
# the Library/Preferences directory. If the directory is not found,
# it is created and then the "Show scroll bars" setting (in System
# Preferences: General) is set to "Always".
for USER_HOME in /Users/*
USER_UID=`basename "${USER_HOME}"`
if [ ! "${USER_UID}" = "Shared" ]
if [ ! -d "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences ]
/bin/mkdir -p "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences
/usr/sbin/chown "${USER_UID}" "${USER_HOME}"/Library
/usr/sbin/chown "${USER_UID}" "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences
if [ ! -d "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ByHost ]
/bin/mkdir -p "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ByHost
/usr/sbin/chown "${USER_UID}" "${USER_HOME}"/Library
/usr/sbin/chown "${USER_UID}" "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences
/usr/sbin/chown "${USER_UID}" "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ByHost
if [ -d "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ByHost ]
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences AppleShowScrollBars -string Always
/usr/sbin/chown "${USER_UID}" "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.*
/usr/bin/defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE
# Determine OS version and build version
# as part of the following actions to disable
# the iCloud and Diagnostic pop-up windows
osvers=$(sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F. '{print $2}')
sw_vers=$(sw_vers -productVersion)
sw_build=$(sw_vers -buildVersion)
# Checks first to see if the Mac is running 10.7.0 or higher.
# If so, the script checks the system default user template
# for the presence of the Library/Preferences directory. Once
# found, the iCloud, Diagnostic and Siri pop-up settings are set
# to be disabled.
if [[ ${osvers} -ge 7 ]]; then
for USER_TEMPLATE in "/System/Library/User Template"/*
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeCloudSetup -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ GestureMovieSeen none
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ LastSeenCloudProductVersion "${sw_vers}"
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ LastSeenBuddyBuildVersion "${sw_build}"
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeSiriSetup -bool TRUE
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeSyncSetup -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeSyncSetup2 -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeApplePaySetup -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeAvatarSetup -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeCloudDiagnostics -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeTouchIDSetup -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeiCloudLoginForStorageServices -bool false
# Checks first to see if the Mac is running 10.7.0 or higher.
# If so, the script checks the existing user folders in /Users
# for the presence of the Library/Preferences directory.
# If the directory is not found, it is created and then the
# iCloud, Diagnostic and Siri pop-up settings are set to be disabled.
for USER_HOME in /Users/*
USER_UID=`basename "${USER_HOME}"`
if [ ! "${USER_UID}" = "Shared" ]
if [ ! -d "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences ]
/bin/mkdir -p "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences
/usr/sbin/chown "${USER_UID}" "${USER_HOME}"/Library
/usr/sbin/chown "${USER_UID}" "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences
if [ -d "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences ]
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeCloudSetup -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ GestureMovieSeen none
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ LastSeenCloudProductVersion "${sw_vers}"
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ LastSeenBuddyBuildVersion "${sw_build}"
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeSiriSetup -bool TRUE
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeSyncSetup -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeSyncSetup2 -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeApplePaySetup -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeAvatarSetup -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeCloudDiagnostics -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeTouchIDSetup -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeiCloudLoginForStorageServices -bool false
/usr/sbin/chown "${USER_UID}" "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/
# disable automatic update downloads
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ AutomaticDownload -bool FALSE
# enable network time
systemsetup -setusingnetworktime on
# set the time server
systemsetup -setnetworktimeserver 1ntp.fq.dn,2ntp.fq.dn,
# Set whether you want to send diagnostic info back to
# Apple and/or third party app developers. If you want
# to send diagonostic data to Apple, set the following
# value for the SUBMIT_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_TO_APPLE value:
# If you want to send data to third party app developers,
# set the following value for the
# By default, the values in this script are set to
# send no diagnostic data:
# To change this in your own script, comment out the FALSE
# lines and uncomment the TRUE lines as appropriate.
# Set the appropriate number value for AutoSubmitVersion
# and ThirdPartyDataSubmitVersion by the OS version.
# For 10.10.x, the value will be 4.
# For 10.11.x, the value will be 5.
# For 10.12.x, the value will be 5.
if [[ ${osvers} -eq 10 ]]; then
elif [[ ${osvers} -ge 11 ]]; then
# Checks first to see if the Mac is running 10.10.0 or higher.
# If so, the desired diagnostic submission settings are applied.
if [[ ${osvers} -ge 10 ]]; then
CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT="/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter"
if [ ! -d "${CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT}" ]; then
/bin/chmod 775 "${CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT}"
/usr/sbin/chown root:admin "${CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT}"
/usr/bin/defaults write "$CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT"/DiagnosticMessagesHistory AutoSubmit -boolean ${SUBMIT_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_TO_APPLE}
/usr/bin/defaults write "$CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT"/DiagnosticMessagesHistory AutoSubmitVersion -int ${VERSIONNUMBER}
/usr/bin/defaults write "$CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT"/DiagnosticMessagesHistory ThirdPartyDataSubmit -boolean ${SUBMIT_DIAGNOSTIC_DATA_TO_APP_DEVELOPERS}
/usr/bin/defaults write "$CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT"/DiagnosticMessagesHistory ThirdPartyDataSubmitVersion -int ${VERSIONNUMBER}
/bin/chmod a+r "$CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT"/DiagnosticMessagesHistory.plist
/usr/sbin/chown root:admin "$CRASHREPORTER_SUPPORT"/DiagnosticMessagesHistory.plist
# enable remote log in, ssh
/bin/echo "Setting ssh"
/usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -a changethisID -t user
/usr/sbin/systemsetup -setremotelogin on
# Turn off DS_Store file creation on network volumes
/bin/echo "Turn off DS_Store"
defaults write /System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/Library/Preferences/ DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool true
### Expanded print dialog by default
# <>
/bin/echo "Expanded print dialog by default"
# expand the print window
defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint2 -bool TRUE
##Disable Fast User Switching
/bin/echo "Disable Fast User Switching"
defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences MultipleSessionEnabled -bool FALSE
# Enable Application Firewall
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ globalstate -int 1
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ loggingenabled -int 1
defaults write /Library/Preferences/ stealthenabled -int 0
# Terminal command-line access warning
/usr/bin/touch /etc/motd
/bin/chmod 644 /etc/motd
/bin/echo "" >> /etc/motd
/bin/echo "This Apple Workstation, including all related equipment belongs to Sears Holdings Corporation. Unauthorized access to this workstation is forbidden and will be prosecuted by law. By accessing this system, you agree that your actions may be monitored if unauthorized usage is suspected." >> /etc/motd
/bin/echo "" >> /etc/motd
# enable location services
/bin/launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
uuid=$(/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep "Hardware UUID" | cut -c22-57)
/usr/bin/defaults write /var/db/locationd/Library/Preferences/ByHost/"$uuid" LocationServicesEnabled -int 1
/usr/bin/defaults write /var/db/locationd/Library/Preferences/ByHost/"$uuid" LocationServicesEnabled -int 1
/usr/sbin/chown -R _locationd:_locationd /var/db/locationd
/bin/launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
# /etc/authorization changes
security authorizationdb write system.preferences allow
security authorizationdb write system.preferences.datetime allow
security authorizationdb write system.preferences.printing allow
security authorizationdb write system.preferences.energysaver allow
security authorizationdb write allow
security authorizationdb write allow
## universal Access - enable access for assistive devices
/bin/echo "Enable assistive devices"
/bin/echo -n 'a' | /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/tee /private/var/db/.AccessibilityAPIEnabled > /dev/null 2>&1
/usr/bin/sudo /bin/chmod 444 /private/var/db/.AccessibilityAPIEnabled
# Turn off Gatekeeper
/usr/sbin/spctl --master-disable
# Disable Gatekeeper's auto-rearm. Otherwise Gatekeeper
# will reactivate every 30 days. When it reactivates, it
# will be be set to "Mac App Store and identified developers"
/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ GKAutoRearm -bool false
# play chime when plugging in the power
defaults write ChimeOnAllHardware -bool true; open /System/Library/CoreServices/ &
# Set the RSA maximum key size to 32768 bits (32 kilobits) in
# /Library/Preferences/ to provide
# future-proofing against larger TLS certificate key sizes.
# For more information about this issue, please see the link below:
# /usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/ RSAMaxKeySize -int 32768
/usr/bin/say "Finished Post Image Script"
Posted on 09-29-2017 11:51 AM
One observation about 10.13 in your script ("-Added DSDontWrite command") shown above:
The command:
/usr/bin/defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores -bool TRUE not new or unique to High Sierra is it?
Posted on 09-29-2017 01:17 PM
@dstranathan No, that command is quite old.
Posted on 09-29-2017 01:35 PM
Can you elaborate on what is new to 10.13 High Sierra in your script (other than disabling the Siri Setup Assistant)?
Posted on 11-17-2017 07:36 AM
@jwojda in lines 19-24 is this creating the launchdaemon to run this script? or is this just a script?
line 47 I'll have to obviously change out your admin1,admin2 to my admin account
Posted on 08-07-2018 07:52 AM
Hi everybody..
Have you already tested this first boot script on Mojave ?
Posted on 08-07-2018 08:52 AM
Not sure if you can still disable Gatekeeper, but be careful if you do
Posted on 08-07-2018 09:51 AM
When I try activate Screen Sharing with this line :
/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -activate -configure -access -on -users $ADMIN_ACCOUNT -privs -all -restart -agent -menu
I have this error :
"Warning: macos 10.14 and later only allows control if Screen Sharing is enabled through System Preferences."
Posted on 08-27-2018 11:20 AM
I am also seeing the below:
When enabling this in Mojave "/System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/ -activate"
I am receiving the following message "Warning: macos 10.14 and later only allows control if Screen Sharing is enabled through System Preferences"
Posted on 08-27-2018 12:26 PM
Nice so you can't kickstart a Mojave machine?
Posted on 08-27-2018 12:43 PM
Two quick things:
I still think its bad idea to disable Gatekeeper
Allister Banks posted on this
a few years ago, and Rich just posted. The third method is what you want to use:
Posted on 08-27-2018 12:54 PM
I've noticed this in the Mojave betas too. Maybe only a Secure Token user can enable ARD. :0)
Posted on 11-21-2018 05:30 AM
Hi I'm running a section of this script on 10.13.6 to remove all the Siri pops and all others, but I'm getting an error and its not working.
When running the script its reporting the following:
Script result: chown: Deleted Users: illegal user name
Any Help on what's causing the error.
The script I'm running only on High Sierra is below:
# Determine OS version and build version
# as part of the following actions to disable
# the iCloud and Diagnostic pop-up windows
osvers=$(sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F. '{print $2}')
sw_vers=$(sw_vers -productVersion)
sw_build=$(sw_vers -buildVersion)
# Checks first to see if the Mac is running 10.7.0 or higher.
# If so, the script checks the system default user template
# for the presence of the Library/Preferences directory. Once
# found, the iCloud, Diagnostic and Siri pop-up settings are set
# to be disabled.
if [[ ${osvers} -ge 7 ]]; then
for USER_TEMPLATE in "/System/Library/User Template"/*
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeCloudSetup -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ GestureMovieSeen none
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ LastSeenCloudProductVersion "${sw_vers}"
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ LastSeenBuddyBuildVersion "${sw_build}"
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeSiriSetup -bool TRUE
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeSyncSetup -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeSyncSetup2 -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeApplePaySetup -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeAvatarSetup -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeCloudDiagnostics -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeTouchIDSetup -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_TEMPLATE}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeiCloudLoginForStorageServices -bool false
# Checks first to see if the Mac is running 10.7.0 or higher.
# If so, the script checks the existing user folders in /Users
# for the presence of the Library/Preferences directory.
# If the directory is not found, it is created and then the
# iCloud, Diagnostic and Siri pop-up settings are set to be disabled.
for USER_HOME in /Users/*
USER_UID=`basename "${USER_HOME}"`
if [ ! "${USER_UID}" = "Shared" ]
if [ ! -d "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences ]
/bin/mkdir -p "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences
/usr/sbin/chown "${USER_UID}" "${USER_HOME}"/Library
/usr/sbin/chown "${USER_UID}" "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences
if [ -d "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences ]
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeCloudSetup -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ GestureMovieSeen none
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ LastSeenCloudProductVersion "${sw_vers}"
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ LastSeenBuddyBuildVersion "${sw_build}"
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeSiriSetup -bool TRUE
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeSyncSetup -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeSyncSetup2 -bool true
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeApplePaySetup -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeAvatarSetup -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeCloudDiagnostics -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeTouchIDSetup -bool false
/usr/bin/defaults write "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/ DidSeeiCloudLoginForStorageServices -bool false
/usr/sbin/chown "${USER_UID}" "${USER_HOME}"/Library/Preferences/
Posted on 11-27-2018 12:43 PM
@jwojda can you share your Mojave First Boot?
Posted on 11-30-2018 07:57 AM
YES PLEASE on the Mojave First Boot. Anyone?
Posted on 03-20-2019 05:12 PM
Anyone have a nice Mojave First Boot script? We have just started deploying Mojave and we are getting far to many calls with people not understanding what they need to be doing when they sign in for the first time. FRUSTRATING!
Posted on 11-02-2019 01:30 AM
Nobody wants to share?
Posted on 11-02-2019 07:35 AM
I use the Jamf dep notify script with dep notify.
Not working with Catalina atm but fine on Sierra, High Sierra, and Mojava
Posted on 06-17-2020 09:37 AM
All, we are behind, just moving to Mojave. If anyone has a Mojave first boot script that they would like to share I would very much appreciate it.
@jstillio I appreciate what you wrote. How do you implement if you get machines that were not acquired thru DEP? My org is famous for that.