macOS Catalina 10.15.5 & 2020-003 Security Updates are Live!

Contributor III

Today, Apple released the following updates
macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Update
Security Update for Mojave 2020-003
Security Update for High Sierra 2020-003

Patch & Security information, Download Links, Version info + size for BridgeOS, Combo, Delta, Full Installer app included in the links below!


New Contributor

This update seems to by-passed our delay configuration and gave user 5 minutes to prepare a reboot.
Is anyone seeing the same issue?

Valued Contributor

Download URLs yet?

Contributor III

Still waiting on download URL's.

Esteemed Contributor II

And in the news you're going to love category, after installing Catalina 10.15.5, or the 2020-003 Security Update for Mojave or High Sierra, the softwareupdate tool will no longer recognize the --ignore flag to hide "major new releases of macOS". We knew it was coming for 10.15.5, but adding it to the Security Update for High Sierra and Mojave is a rude middle-finger to Mac Admins from Apple.

Contributor III


This leaves Mojave with no way to block Catalina from showing up in the software update system preferences pane.

New Contributor III

Mojave 2020-003, Catalina ignored in softwareupdate, updates deferred 90 days in MDM, Catalina still available in Software Update pane. See you all on 10.15.5 I guess.

Contributor III

Updated the article to include download links for the 10.15.5 combo, delta and both 2020-003 security updates.

New Contributor II

No configuration profiles can be added to block the installer? Or simply blocking the macOs Catalina

Valued Contributor

Does adding Install macOS to disallowed list still work?

I know APPL want everyone on latest and greatest the moment it's released but organizations need to have this control.
Basic support, manpower, user training, software compatibility... I don't have to preach here.

Valued Contributor

@atomczynski > Does adding Install macOS to disallowed list still work?

Yes, blacklisting app works, but action happens after user download full installations image, opens app. And it doesn't not prevent System Update messages "Update is available, install it". Expect more support calls...

Valued Contributor II

Just to double check 15.5 update is not respecting "forceDelayedSoftwareUpdates key"? That is what I am seeing I just started testing it a few days ago...



What is a good way to deploy this to everyone? We've done our testing and it is working for us. The built in prompt for software updates/user apple software update servers isn't the greatest.

I'm looking for some sort of script that would download combo and update.

Valued Contributor

@j_allenbrand What about softwareupdate -i -a

Contributor II

I've tested the softwareupdate -i -a -R, and it did work for my system going from 10.15.4->10.15.5.


@mhasman Thats works but it doesn't really work from going from 10.14.6 to 10.15.x. Its good for the incremental ones.

New Contributor III

Hi jamfNation,

I am getting error in few macs like this:
To install these updates, your computer must shut down. Your computer will automatically start up to finish installation. Installation will not complete successfully if you choose to restart your computer instead of shutting down. Please call halt(8) or select Shut Down from the Apple menu. To automate the shutdown process with softwareupdate(8), use --restart.

Any idea about this?

New Contributor III

@Rohitds14 I have tried to use the Execute Command option in a policy, but am getting errors on a few. Any success?

Executing Policy Run Apple Updates
Running command softwareupdate -i -a --restart...
Result of command:
Software Update Tool

Finding available software

Downloading macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Supplemental Update
Downloaded macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Supplemental Update
Preparing macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Supplemental Update
Installing macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Supplemental Update

Error installing updates.

Have same **bleep** issue, and I don`t know why. Yesterday works flawless, and security updates from today show me this.... I am getting tired

Contributor II

The shutdown thing shows up if there is a firmware update that it needs to install. If you use the -R switch, it should handle that gracefully.

New Contributor

Has anyone noticed a change in behaviour relating to recovery keys? I'm starting to see users who's recovery keys were generated "today" all over. It seems to replace the existing entry with the same key, like the same key's just been re-sent.

With the test I did, the key was "re-sent" on boot. No inventory scan or anything, just on boot from a deep(?) sleep. I imagine it would be the same whether the MBP had been off.