Manage Apple ID restrictions with Jamf Pro

New Contributor

Dear all,

I have some enrolled devices with Jamf Pro and with a managed Apple ID with problems to synchronize with iCloud Drive. It says that Mac can not synchronize with iCloud Drive.

I have not activated any restriction in Jamf for this purpose. And it appeared suddenly and only in specific computers.

How can I manage options to be applied to each managed Apple ID. No options from Apple Business Manager, but possible to act from Jamf Pro?



Esteemed Contributor

MDM's like JAMF have no ability to manage AppleID's. I would suggest checking your Apple Business Manager configuration, that is where such settings are configured. Also network filters can cause Apple to fail traffic.

Esteemed Contributor II

@aalonso There was an update to Apple Business Manager yesterday (2023-11-02) for managing access to Apple Services for Managed Apple IDs. See the following section of the Apple Business Manager User Guide for more info: 

New Contributor

Hello, thanks AJPinto and sdagley for your inputs. I have checked the Apple Business Manager configuration as commented. We have also logout and login the users with problems and it seems now the synchronization with iCloud is possible.

Thank you very much for your help.