Managing Policies and Configuration Profiles

New Contributor III

Hey guys,

Quick question here. I'm using Jamf Pro to help manage 3 computers labs. The boss has decided to add Staff to it too now.

What is the best way to manage your Policies and Configuration Profiles for different environments? For example I have a CP for Login Window. There is a Banner that says welcome to the students. In Options I also have it set to Log out users after 30 mins. If I want another Login Window CP with different settings do you guys just specify in General in the Name of the CP?

Just curious, thanks!


Esteemed Contributor II

@NeiSpe77 Are labs on lab specific subnets? You could use. aNetwork Segment limitation if so. Otherwise a Static Computer Group is probably easiest since Group restrictions are only for User groups and not Computer groups.

Contributor II

Hi @NeiSpe77 ,

You can implement a Smart Group using Regex for Classet-Lab.

Previously, the naming convention was set as Classet-Lab-XX (where XX is a number). This makes it easier to manage if more Macs are added to the lab in the future.

For staff, if Device User & Location is available, you can create a Smart Group for staff based on position or department.

After that, you can create two configuration profile recipes, each assigned to the respective Smart Group.

This is the approach I have implemented in Classet, ensuring that each Classet has different settings for Lab, Teachers, and Staff.

Esteemed Contributor

You will use scopes, and how you set that up is really down to your needs.

  • If it's just a few devices you can make a few static groups and put devices in those groups based on your needs and target policies and configurations to those groups specifically. This is not very scalable, but even in my environment I still manage my lab with a static group.
  • If you want something scalable use smart groups, using the IP range, department, or something you can hook on to as the criteria for the smart group. 


Once you have the groups, set them as the targets and exclusions of your policies and configurations appropriately.