MAS - Software Updates - Refresh

Valued Contributor II

Something we've had going on since 10.8.x is the MAS for updates doesn't work when we first open it.

After a fresh image, we launch the MAS and updates does it's twirly spiny icon and says no updates. However if you hit Cmd+R and refresh it, the twirly spiny icon comes back and says there are updates...
any way to script that forced refresh?


Contributor II

Maybe you could issue a second softwareupdate -l? Maybe sleep 10 or something first.

New Contributor III

Did you ever find an automated solution for this? Command line softwareupdate was showing the updates, but App Store was not. Doing the refresh worked, but our end-users won't know to do this, and communications with the end-users here are lacking, at best...

New Contributor III

anyone else experiencing this or have any leads on a fix?


We are experiencing it. Removing Appstore preferences don't help either. I am going to keep digging.

Valued Contributor

I've seen this as well. Haven't really dug into it much, since I don't want my techs or users in there anyway, but it would be nice to know.

Contributor II

We'd been seeing this with our OS images for 10.8.[0-4], but not with our recently-built 10.8.5 image. There were some other issues with the previous images that were also fixed with 10.8.5, but right off the top of my head I can't remember what they were. I didn't build the images. I'll ask the person that did build the images and post what he remembers on Monday.