Mass un-enroll Macs

Valued Contributor II

I need to un-enroll about 50 Macs from one of my Jamf Pro servers. I could scope a policy to run on every system I want to un-enroll, but then I have no feedback that the policy actually ran since the components that are being removed are the ones that would report back to the Jamf Pro server that the policy completed. I'm curious how other Jamf admins have done this. I can't lay my hands on any of these systems, so I can't manually un-enroll them, and I don't like giving end users the command to remove the Jamf components from their systems.


Valued Contributor

Once you run the script to remove the jamf client and all the associated binaries/frameworks, then it's no longer managed and reporting back to Jamf. So, what exactly is the problem or concern? You can read a discussion about it here
and look at Chris_Hafner's response.

Valued Contributor II

I'm not so much concerned about doing this. It's mainly that I wanted to find out if anyone is doing this in a better way. I will take a look at the discussion you shared. Thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š

Valued Contributor

No problem. Everyone is obviously going to have a different method in un-enrolling a Mac so you do what works for you. But, I would go the script route. It's easier and no user interaction depending on how you deploy it. I wish you good luck and test, test, and test. :-)

Valued Contributor II

I have done this before using a script, or the Files & Processes payload. I was just wondering if someone had a better method.