Posted on 10-06-2022 11:34 PM
Hi we’re a startup having 150 macs enrolled managed by intune. Our company bout jamfcloud (jamf pro) instance and now I’ve to plan a way to migrate people’s macs.
I figured out the prestage enrollment, the problem is with the existing macs. Is there any guide on how to have that process smoothly and without much overhead for it team.
Also any scripts that can install xcode, homebrew etc. Any github links is appreciated.
10-11-2022 02:00 PM - edited 10-11-2022 02:04 PM
Your first task should be to get user-initiated enrolment working. That doesn't require a pre-stage enrolment but is necessary if you want to shift Macs from Intune to Jamf Pro Cloud without erasing the Mac's drive and re-installing the OS.
You don't say if you are enrolled in Apple Business Manager but I assume you are. Getting ADE enrolment working is your second task.
Have a look at for a good guide to getting the Macs out of Intune. Once you have done that you can get them to enrol in Jamf Pro. You might even want to keep the Macs in Intune and use Intune for device compliance.
10-17-2022 12:40 PM - edited 10-17-2022 12:44 PM
I strongly suggest reaching out to your JAMF Success Representative. There should also be a jump start that comes with your JAMF purchase where JAMF helps you get everything setup and gives you next steps.
The first few things you want to do are:
This will enable you to automatically enroll devices in to JAMF at activation.
You will need to get communication and directions together for your users unless you plan on having techs handle the Microsoft Endpoint Manager unenroll and JAMF enroll. The only way to automate the enrollment in to MDM is via Automated Device Enrollment which requires macOS to be reinstalled.
To migrate devices between MDMs
The not recommended way, but avoids reinstalling macOS.
The Recommended way which is fully automated, but reinstalls macOS. This also requires devices to be in Apple Business Manager, and JAMF to be the default MDM
If you dont have your devices in Apple Business Manager things get really sloppy, and are totally hands on. Blame all of this on Apple, there used to be a lot more options than we have now.