Migrating to hosted enviroment

New Contributor

We are planning on migrating our casper server to a Jamf cloud environment.
Does anyone know if we will need to wipe our devices and re-enroll them? We were told this might be a possibility. We were planning on keeping the same URL if possible.
Any information would be appreciated.
Thank you.


Valued Contributor III

It's kinda of your choice.. I wanted a clean database, but after thinking about it.. mainly due to FilVault keys we wanted to move the database ... We changed our URL as we didn't have a real reason to keep it... can't you change the url and route traffic from the old URL to new one?

Our move was easy and our Jamf team walked us though it step by step..


Honored Contributor II

We’ve done this a bunch of times for our clients. In most cases, a clean setup was preferable.

You can keep it all the same though if your JSS is in a nice clean state and you want to keep it as it is.

Jamf can help you with it all if you want to go down the second route.