Posted on
08:07 AM
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I'm wondering if anybody has a solution or best practice for this:
I'm deploying iOS apps to static and smart groups of iPads that I've created, and under the Scope tab, it displays the group name I have selected. We have a 1:1 deployment in our primary school, and we have restrictions in place so that our younger students cannot delete or reinstall apps, and each app is pushed out so that it installs automatically without using Self Service.
There aren't any issues with the app deployment, but sometimes I'll receive emails stating that the deployed app did not install properly on one or more devices. Due to the aforementioned restrictions, I cannot delete the app and reinstall from the device, but I also cannot remove the app and reinstall the app from JAMF without removing it for the entire Smart or Static group.
Is there a way to specify groups but have the Scope list each device individually? In the event of an app issue, I could then remove the app from one device specifically without affecting all the other devices in the group.
Hopefully this makes sense - any insight or advice is appreciated.
Andrew Hapeman | Application Support Analyst
Avonworth School District
Posted on 10-26-2017 08:34 AM
If you need to remove an app or restriction from a single device, you can add that device as an exclusion in the scope. Once you're ready to reinstall the app or restriction, you just need to remove the exclusion.
Posted on 10-26-2017 10:10 AM
I'll give that a try, thanks!
Andrew Hapeman | Application Support Analyst
Avonworth School District