Posted on 11-22-2016 07:35 AM
I know there probably exists a lot of this threads already but I just wanted to vent a bit and share my two cents.
We just started our trial for Jamf and overall I like the product, especially the reporting from machines which is superb. However I have to say I was disappointed by how it handles software deployment, patching and software updates.
JSS cannot handle .DMG files without being repackaged with Composer while Munki handles them fine.
Munki has the functionality for dependencies; SPSS needs Java; Office update needs to be applied to Office2011/2016 and so on. Casper can somewhat handle this too but it seems to require A LOT of manual labor in order for it to work effectively with policies/smart groups that constantly needs to be refreshed and looked after.
Munki displays a GUI at the loginwindow if a machine is idle, while JSS seems to just straight up install software, (please someone correct me if I am wrong). It would be nice with some user interaction here.
I dont really know what I wanted to achieve with the thread, higher ups are pushing for a solution to our Macs and JAMF do really seems like a really nice product and first in the game of Mac management. I just wish that the software aspect was on point with the rest of the product.
Is there any news on the front if Jamf will improve aforementioned bits? In that case it can be worth to jump onboard the train and hope it will be better.
Posted on 11-22-2016 08:01 AM
Munki is a very robust software management tool, period. Casper is that (with pain points), plus many other very nice things.
You cannot compare them equally like that and use one or the other exclusively.
Posted on 11-22-2016 08:02 AM
This will help handle your DMG issue. Works fine.
Posted on 11-22-2016 09:03 AM
Why not use both? You can add an extension attribute in your JSS for your Munki Client Identifier and build off your existing munki infrastructure.
Posted on 11-25-2016 01:14 PM
It would be nice to see Jamf Pro 10 offer this functionality as an option at upload.
On upload of a DMG, get prompt to choose between a Composer and Drag install.
Select the later, and any *.app at the top level of the mounted DMG gets put into /Applications
Posted on 11-25-2016 01:48 PM
We use both - Jamf handles the configuration of clients and users. Munki hands Patch management and Software deployments.
Works really well - get the best of both systems ;)
Posted on 11-27-2016 07:39 AM
Having used both, the one thing JAMF has to offer is which Munki does not is readily available customer support. I found myself in a pre-configured Munki environment where I had to learn on the fly and while there are many blogs available, the lack of availability of a human being to speak to for technical support made my task more challenging.
Policy Dependencies would be an excellent feature for Casper. Having also worked with Altiris, creating chains of linked dependencies was very useful in that we could be certain that applications and plug-ins were applied in a structured sequence.
I still give a strong nod to JAMF. Excellent customer support and very reliable product.
Posted on 11-27-2016 02:21 PM
@donmontalvo I don't think they are actually going to have a choice on this one, 10.12 allows developers to force checking of the DMG when copying into /Applications this means copying in from anything other than the vendor provided DMG causes problems later down the line, so far only a couple of developers seem to be using this but Google Chrome for example does and it causes dock issues etc... if you use a Composer captured install.
Posted on 11-27-2016 05:27 PM
@Look Thanks, interesting, wasn't aware of that. I'd suppose both Munki and Jamf would have to circumvent that function if it'll be possible, else accommodate it some other way.
For example, Jamf can bypass Gatekeeper on unsigned packages. Or maybe allow upload of the DMG and offer the option for Jamf to deploy the DMG, mounts it, and cp/ditto the app to /Applications
Posted on 11-27-2016 07:26 PM
@donmontalvo Thats pretty much how I dealt with it, wrapped the DMG in a PKG that had a script to mount and copy from the DMG.
Posted on 12-01-2016 06:02 AM
We moved to Casper Suite 18 months ago, and I initially stopped using Munki to try and keep everything in one place (JSS). However, I immediately went back to using Munki to run Apple software updates because it 'just works' - installs updates at the log in screen. Patching software was also a pain, so I've ended up setting up Munki again and using it with AutoPKGR to update apps etc. So yes, using both does work fine!
We use JAMF Pro with our iPad too, so it's really nice to manage everything in one place. JAMF Pro also offers lots of thing that Munki doesn't, such as building and pushing out configuration profiles, as well as policies for managing printers and all sorts. Integration with Device Enrollment is also brilliant, and completely cuts out the need for imaging new machines. I've only used it one new machine, but it's worked great so far.