Mut login with SSO issue

New Contributor

I'm having trouble logging in to Mut with my SSO. I get this error message, but I know my Jamf credentials are working because I use them every time I log into Jamf. Do I need to make some changes or have request access?


I've tried using this link but still having issues.






Esteemed Contributor

I dont use MUT myself, but if I remember correctly its all API. I dont think you can authenticate API with SSO credentials. The user account needs to be listed in JAMF users and Groups with whatever permissions specified. 

New Contributor

Yeah, I had to create a user account in Jamf in order to log in with Mut. Thanks for the update. 

New Contributor

I'm confused about sso and jamf connect. Should I be using both, or just one? We have set up and deployed jamf connect in our environment. All has been good for the last six months, but I'm curios if I can use both SSO+Jamf Connect

Would SSO allow people who change their password through the office portal log into a Mac without being prompted to sync the new password with the old?

None of our devices are binded, is that an issue?

Is anybody using jamf connect and sso with Azure AD? Do you recommend it?

Jamf Connect allows users to login to macOS devices with SSO / Cloud Identity, have a local account get created on the spot, and assistance with keeping the local and cloud/SSO passwords in sync. You said you've had it setup for 6 months so sorry if I'm telling you something you already know. Your post is worded slightly confusingly as SSO and Jamf Connect aren't mutually exclusive. They're basically tied together (with the exception of Jamf Connect also being able to auth through on-prem AD / kerb tickets).

>Would SSO allow people who change their password through the office portal log into a Mac without being prompted to sync the new password with the old?

They'd be prompted to enter their old (local) password after authenticating with their newly changed Entra password.

>None of our devices are binded, is that an issue?

Shouldn't be.

>Is anybody using jamf connect and sso with Azure AD? Do you recommend it?

We use Jamf Connect with Entra. Works great. The Jamf Connect is awesome for testing and configuring your IdP (i,e Entra) with Jamf Connect.

Also might be worth noting that this post is talking about people that use SSO for their Jamf Admins to log into Jamf. So a little different than standard end-users using Jamf Connect to log into their device.

New Contributor II

I had an auth issue after the 11.5 update.  I updated MUT to 6.2.1 (and I was able to login successfully.

                                v6.2.1 - Authentication updates Latest May 14, 2024      

Contributor II

We have users added in Jamf as Directory Service Users (we use Google LDAP). They SAML in with an IdP that is not Google. MUT logins seem to still be working fine for us on 6.2.1 with the directory accounts.

Update: Well, we can login but it doesn't appear to work anymore. Which I guess makes sense with username / password API auth changing to client ID / secret.

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 2.53.51 PM.png

Error in regular mode, classic mode says it succeeds but it doesn't actually do anything.

Logs show 401 errors (authentication error) which I guess is expected.

Maybe the app needs to be updated for client ID / secret instead of username + password?