New behavior with MacOS Aiprint and HP printers


Hi All,

This morning we noticed the MacOS Monterey MacBooks are adding printers a little different.  We use a Windows print server with a program called Presto to broadcast printers via Airprint.

In the past when we add an Airprint printer via System preferences, the "Use" section will auto detect "Airprint."  This is still the case on Big Sur MacBooks.

But for the couple of people who updated to Monterey, it's a little different.  Now when we add an Airprint printer the "Use" section auto detects "HP universal driver" or "HP LaserJet M528."  Whatever the print driver is on the print server.

It seems to work fine.  It's still using Airprint.  But something we'll have to communicate to our users...

Anyone else see this?



Valued Contributor II

Not experienced that yet. I don't think HP has an universal PPD for it's printers. That's a Windoze thing. This has to be some sort of trickery using the standard "AirPrint" or IPP Everywhere driver. Is Presto broadcasting unauthenticated AirPrint queues or is it Secure AirPrint?

Contributor III

im seeing issues with brother printers on macos monterey. we have several in our environment that have stoppe working when the macOS was upgraded. 

One of our iMacs upgraded to Big Sur and would print pictures with no text to a Canon color printer. Deleting and reinstalling the drivers (as well as our profile for the printer) resolved the issue. Hoping Monterey isn't the same thing again.