New Smart Group - No Scope - Auto Scopes to all devices

New Contributor II

I've got a few weird things happening in JAMF, I'm assuming this is not by design.  Say I create a new smart group, I give it a name, I don't scope anything to it, then save it, when I go back to the list of smart groups, the membership count is automatically 200 or more devices.  

That does not seem like a feature anyone would ever want, atleast by default.  

I've got another weird issue going on also, but we can start here.

I appreciate your time and help!  

Have a great morning!


Esteemed Contributor II

@mikesmithwsu That a Smart Group with no criteria matches all devices is normal behavior for Jamf Pro.

Valued Contributor II

If you don’t add criteria to a smart group, then is all managed devices. Just one of the many jamfisms you learn to love..