Newbie: 1st try at pushing package fails

New Contributor II

I work for a large university, we have a package we use to install Symantec Endpoint Protection. I have uploaded the package to our distribution point and crated a policy to have it installed on a single machine as a test. Some aspects of my trial succeeded, ultimately the installation failed. The log files report the path was invalid...

"Installation failed. The installer reported: installer: Error the package path specified was invalid: '/Library/Application Support/JAMF/Downloads/SEP 12.1.1000.157_RU1.mpkg'."

Looking at the directory tree in Finder, I see the path exists, but the Downloads folder has a red circle (permissions) icon on the folder as do the Bin and Usage folders. 'Get Info' tells me I have custom access - system has RW, everyone has No Access.

I'm sure my error is simple to fix, and that I'm close to success, but I'm needing your help to go further. Thanks, Jon D.



The permissions on the Mac are fine. The admin account you're using in Casper will elevate its permissions to root level, which will have all the access it needs.

A few things to try when troubleshooting package installs:

  • Run the package manually on the machine by double-clicking it. If it fails to run then the problem is with your package.
  • Install the package on the Mac using Apple's installer command line tool. Use this: sudo installer -pkg /path/to package -target / . If that fails then the problem may be with the package or the machine itself.
  • Finally, open the Terminal application and run jamf help mount. It will give you the usage to run the jamf command line utility manually to mount your server. This will test whether you're using the correct credentials. If you can mount the server correctly then run jamf help install next. It will give you the usage to run the jamf command line utility manually to install the package.

Somewhere in these steps you'll probably see what's failing and you can troubleshoot from there.

New Contributor II

The package runs (from the Desktop, but there are no files in the Downloads folder...

sh-3.2# pwd
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/Downloads
sh-3.2# ls -a
. ..

New Contributor II

Here's the log entry for my test:

/usr/sbin/jamf is version 8.52
Executing Policy Install SEP 12.1.1000.157_RU1....
Mounting smb:// to /Volumes/JSS-DistPoint...
Copying SEP 12.1.1000.157_RU1.mpkg...
Installing SEP 12.1.1000.157_RU1.mpkg...
Installation failed. The installer reported: installer: Error the package path specified was invalid: '/Library/Application Support/JAMF/Downloads/SEP 12.1.1000.157_RU1.mpkg'.
Unmounting file server...
Running Recon...
Gathering Application Usage Information...

New Contributor II

I tried it again, after adding a different user to the JSS and forcing the policy to use SMB over HTTP, but the results still are an error regarding the package path being invalid - ie: The installer reported: installer: Error the package path specified was invalid: '/Library/Application Support/JAMF/Downloads/SEP 12.1.1000.157_RU1.mpkg'.

New Contributor III

To follow up on Jon's note as I have been assisting him in troubleshooting this problem.

Here is what we know:
- The Distribution point mounts properly.
- We are able to install other .pkg, .mpkg and a DMG packages via policy just fine.
- The package "SEP 12_1_1000_157_RU1.mpkg" when copied to the desktop from a thumb drive.

I think there is a permission issue. Here is what I am seeing:
- When I mount the server manually as the read-only acct (which is the same account jamf would use running the policy), I can see the package. - I can copy the installer to my desktop.
- When I attempt install it by double-clicking on the .mpkg I get an error: The operation could not be completed ( error -1.) Could not open "SEP 12_1_1000_157_RU1.mpkg" - It does not install.

- When I mount the server manually as the read/write acct, I can see the package. - I can copy it to my desktop.
- It installs just fine.

When I look at the package on my share I see the following permissions:

drwx------. 3 jssadmin jssadmin     4096 Jul 30 23:20 SEP 12_1_1000_157_RU1.mpkg

Where as my other .mpkg that had sucess looks like this:

drwxr-xr-x. 3 jssadmin jssadmin     4096 Jul 30 23:18 Install Xsan.mpkg

I have deleted the offending .mpkg several times and re-added it, but it seems to come up with the same permission set. A look through the forums brings up talk of fixing the permissions on the share/package but it only talks about a Mac Tool that does it. This is a Linux box so that isn't going to help.

Anyone have any ideas how apply the correct permissions to the package? The following makes it all work again, but I don't like blindly applying permissions more than I need to. :) ```
chmod -R 755 SEP 12_1_1000_157_RU1.mpkg

Thanks for your help. --Gretchen