Office 14.2.4

Valued Contributor II

Anybody run into this on a fresh install of 14.2.0?

Copying Office 2011 14.2.4 Update.pkg...
Installing Office 2011 14.2.4 Update.pkg...
Installing Office 2011 14.2.4 Update.pkg...
Installation failed. The installer reported: installer: Cannot install on volume / because it is disabled.
installer: A version of the software required to install this update was not found on this volume.


Legendary Contributor III

Does an Office 2011 application need to be launched at least once prior to running any additional updates? It almost sounds like that's what you're seeing here since you said you did a fresh 14.2.0 install.

Valued Contributor II

no, i have installed updates without ever launching, but you may have to install 14.2.3 first, not all Office updates are cumulative in nature. I have not looked into it yet.

Valued Contributor II

System requirements
Supported operating systems: Apple Macintosh, Mac OS X

Operating System Versions: Mac OS X version 10.5.8 or a later version of Mac OS

Note To verify that your computer meets these minimum requirements, on the Apple menu, click About This Mac.
Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 Service Pack 1 (14.1.0): You can download this update for free from the Microsoft Web Site.

Legendary Contributor III

It should be a cumulative update . I think only when going from one service pack version to another would you need to install multiple updates.

I haven't run into an error like "Cannot install on volume / because it is disabled." before. Have no idea what would cause that. Have you tried Googling that error message?

Legendary Contributor III

John, is your error above from a regular policy or from an imaging session? If from the latter, it could be that it won't install on anything but the boot disk, i.e, can't install from a Netbooted or TDM session.

Valued Contributor II

i just installed on my system, with 14.2.3 silently, so it seems to work just fine

Valued Contributor

Tried to install on my 14.2.2 and it errored out. Updated to 14.2.3 then 14.2.4 without any issues.

So even if the update is cumulative it seems their version check requires 14.2.3.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Does the 14.2.4 update correct the permissions on the /Applications/Microsoft 2011/ folder & below?

Valued Contributor

At least on my install they all show as:
Owner - System R/W
Group - Admin R/W
Everyone - Read Only

Legendary Contributor III

@tomt, you just installed 14.2.3, didn't do anything else and then the latest update ran successfully?
If so, seems we're going backwards. :( I can understand it not installing on top of a 14.1.x installation (despite their release notes) but it should install on top of any 14.2.x version. jeez, come on Microsoft!

Valued Contributor

I tweeted this issue to @schweib and he is going to pass it on to the Office Team.

Legendary Contributor III

I've been able to confirm this as well in tests. The 14.2.4 update will only install on top of 14.2.3, not any other version of 14.2.x or 14.1.x, despite what the MS KB article states.
In digging around inside their install pkg, I see that each individual install package has a python script that sets the _kMinVersion to This in turn gets called by a postflight script in each package. So, either a developer messed up, or the KB article is wrong. I'm betting on the latter, given the minimum version setting shows up in pretty much every individual pkg.

We have a case in with our Microsoft rep as well, and they are checking into it.

New Contributor

I've never run into the issue of updates failing to install, I have however been unable to deploy updates for Office via casper due to the fact that with our volume license, it activates on first run. I have found if I install updates on top of a fresh install that has not been run it breaks the activation.

Contributor III

Fraser, what versions and order are you deploying? There was an issue with some of the updaters after 14.2.0 breaking this. But if you went right from a fresh install of 14.2.0 up to 14.2.3 this seemed to get fixed, in that last update. I haven't tested that yet for this latest update though.

New Contributor

It's been a bit since I tested, I'll try again with the most recent patches. I believe our installer is 14.0.x. Was going from 14.0 to 14.1.x to 14.2.x.