Packaging Adobe Reader - working example

Valued Contributor

The following worked in our environment.

Making of Adobe Reader 9.3 Intel DMG package
1. Composer 7.1 - New Package ­Normal snapshot
2. Installed by opening the Adobe Reader installer
3. Opened the Adobe Reader Application
a. Choose Help > Check for Updates
b. Quit Adobe Reader
4. Clicked Build Package (final snap)
5. See attached png for items included before any of the following
6. Delete /Users/Joe/Library/LaunchAgents
7. Set Owner = Œroot' and Group = 'wheel', apply Owner & Group to
'/Applications/Adobe Reader 9' and All Enclosed Items
8. Set Owner = Œroot' and Group = 'wheel', apply Owner & Group to
'/Applications/Utilities/Adobe Utilities' and All Enclosed Items
9. Set Owner = Œroot' and Group = 'wheel', apply Owner & Group to
'/Library' and All Enclosed Items
10. Clicked Build as DMG

Within Casper Admin
- enabled fill user templates and fill existing home directories.
- requires 10.4.11,10.5.x,10.6.x
- Install only if x86

I've only tested this with our Snow Leopard image. The application works
with local admin and standard accounts.
