Posted on 08-29-2017 04:34 PM
We have a one off need to be able to package Android Studio with a select Android Virtual Device(AVD), and install a particular app to be deployable out to a set number of computers, probably through Self Service. I can't seem to to find anyone that has attempted this and been successful so I'm hoping Jamf Nation can help me out on this one.
I'm starting to believe this may not be possible since the AVD's are stored in the user specific folder so I would need a way to add the Users/username/.android/avd files to all users on a machine with the name varying per computer.
Thanks for your help in advance!
Posted on 08-29-2017 10:59 PM
Hi Andrew, have you tried installing the SDKs and files in a shared location.
Then making 2 dmgs
The first dmg installing Android Studio and SDKs,
The second dmg installing the user preferences, which would be pointing to the shared location. Have the User preference dmg FUT and FET
Posted on 08-31-2017 09:38 AM
I'll build those packages now and give it ago, thanks @a.simmons .