Packaging Apple Logic Studio

Valued Contributor II

Is there any gotcha's I should be aware of for packaging Logic Studio? It appears to be 9 DVD/CDs.


Valued Contributor

just be aware of any issues that could come from deploying ALL THE DATA IN THE WORLD over your corporate network when you push that sucker out.
Seriously, the DMG's i made from the source optical discs add up to 54 GB! If your users don't need all the samples and sound files that are included then you can cut that down quite a bit.

Valued Contributor

Depends on the method. Snapshotting Logic Studio and the older version of Final Cut Studio 3, could be a pain. You'll need to make sure you have a separate 'snapshotted' version for each version of OS X you plan to install on. There might be some frameworks that get installed in /System/Library that have different versions depending on whether or not you are running/installing on Snow Leopard, Lion, or Mountain Lion. If you can isolate those specific files you could package them up separately and omit them from your main installer package, to minimize redundancy and save on storage space. Otherwise, I've had no issues deploying. I'm sure you could script the install as well using the DMG's from Apple, so you don't have to snapshot the install with Composer.

Valued Contributor III

Snapshot, you'll have to. However with a little extra work you can segregate the content from the apps. I've done this with FCS 3 purely so we can deploy what is needed only.

Our training room computers still take up to four hours with all the apps they requested :(