Posted on ‎05-05-2021 05:44 AM
We use the patch management to keep track of the different version that people run for macOS.
I noticed it didn't update latest available version (it was stuck on 11.2.3)
I removed the one we have which is now marked as legacy.
But the patch management doesn't seem to gather the versions we have running.
Both macOS (Legacy) and the new macOS Big Sur are stuck at 0 computers.
Any way to fix this?
Posted on ‎05-05-2021 06:18 AM
I am seeing something similar to this with my 1Password title. Wasn't updating the devices to reflect new installations, and after removing it from Patch Management, and adding it back, I now have no devices listed. I have performed recon on devices that have 1Password installed, but still no change of 0 devices with 1Password installed.
Posted on ‎05-05-2021 12:02 PM
Experiencing the same thing right now with Chrome. :(
Posted on ‎05-05-2021 12:04 PM
I chatted with Jamf Support this afternoon, and they are going to restart Tomcat on our Cloud instance to see if this resolves the issue. I'll find out tomorrow if this resolves the problem our instance is experiencing.
Posted on ‎05-05-2021 12:10 PM
We'll be getting Tomcat restarted as well. 🤞🏼
Posted on ‎05-05-2021 12:22 PM
We've ran into this a few times. Contact Jamf Support, usually the Jamf Support team will run a maintenance command and Patch Management will start working again. The fix usually takes 15-30 min for cloud instances. Make sure you give them a timeframe of when they can take down the environment because you won't be able to log in to Jamf Pro and users won't be able to use Self Service during that time.