PC Extension Attributes Failure

Not applicable

I have added some extension attributes from template (Last User). When I run recon.exe on a PC it submits but I get the following error:

The script output for the Last User extension attribute was not in the required format…
<result>Script Output</result>

I am running Recon 8.31

Many thanks


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Release Candidate Programs Tester

Hi old boss!

It sounds like your wscript.echo statements (if a vb script) are not correct.

Do you still have the firewall status vb extension attribute in the JSS? If so have a nose @ that one.



Not applicable

Hello old star employee that now I have to do his job…

I am running these from the external jss at present.

Two comparasings for 2 jss – one works (internal) one does not (error as below) - same extension attribute from template, same machine running recon to both instances of jss, same versions of jss and recon – very odd.

James Burnett
Senior EMEA Project Lead GREY Group

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Release Candidate Programs Tester

Hmmm.. Could it be a firewall/communication issue?

But what if you run the commands locally?

